Planning For a Big Day – And Surprising That Special Person in YOUR Life!
My dear departed mother back in the old country was a great one for sayings and I shall always remember her saying things like “a little and often” and “look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves”.
Fast forward fifty years and I’ve emigrated to Australia and met the woman of my dreams. We met in 1984 in Bondi Junction, funnily enough on Valentine’s Day at a party. I’d had in my mind that I really must get this special wife and mum something wonderful to mark 40 years. It was mid-2023 and my mother’s words came back to me when I stumbled across a giant Smirnoff Vodka bottle that triggered an idea.

I’d already thought that I wanted to buy my better half a designer shoulder bag to celebrate Valentine’s Day 2024. I figured that with around 300 days to go all I needed to do was aim to save $10 a day and Bob would be my proverbial uncle.
I dusted off the bottle and put it in a prominent position in the living room declaring that I was going to save money to buy myself something nice. She smiled – she’s used to my whims and humours me. The bottle became a talking point as it filled up with notes and coins.
If I missed a day or two then I was sure to put in some extra to make up for the shortfall. It became a running joke that “dad” was going to save up for something boring but I was determined that I would show them that this British-born oldish fogie could be romantic after all.
Christmas arrived and the visiting children felt sure I was going to crack open the bottle with its ever-increasing contents for a festive splurge. Xmas passed and still the bottle filled up. Surely I’d put in more than the ten bucks a day average but it was impossible to tell.
So as not to arouse too much suspicion of my intentions I removed the bottle several days before Valentine’s announcing that I had decided what I was going to buy myself. The wife continued to humour me.
Then it struck me that I’d kind of forgotten that I’d have to smash the bottle. Protective goggles were donned and with a quick whack of my trusty hammer, it cracked in only a few pieces – no shards of glass. Phew!
Then came the secretive big count. Nearly $4,000 and I’d hardly missed the money. Mum, you were right.
When Valentine’s Day arrived where the bottle had been, there was the wrapped authentic bag with a fancy card that recalled why this was a fortieth anniversary. She’d forgotten but the tears of joy this brought were worth all the effort.
And there was even plenty left over for a celebratory dinner that night!
A little and often, try it!