How Much Protein is in 3 Scrambled Eggs
Eggs are most people’s favorite thing to eat for breakfast. They are not only delicious but can be a great source of protein, whether you are losing weight or not. Eggs are versatile and can be eaten in different forms. One of the most common forms in scrambled eggs. Scrambled eggs are quick to make and do not alter the nutritional composition of the eggs.
It is important to note how much protein you can get from eggs so you can plan on your protein requirements for the day. Another popular way to increase your protein is by taking Alpha Lion GOAtein. However,in this article, you will find out how much protein is in 3 eggs, the benefits of eating eggs, when you should eat them, and how many you should have.

Protein Content in 3 Scrambled Eggs
The amount of calories in 3 scrambled eggs is about 210 calories. They have 0% carb content, nearly 100% fat measuring about 15 grams. The protein content amounts to 18 grams, which is significantly high in that small portion of food. If you are on a high-protein diet, eating eggs and using supplements such as Alpha Lion Goatein can help you reach your protein requirement each day.
This is just a basic guide to explain how much protein you can expect from three eggs. Of course, it depends on the size of the eggs and the method of cooking. Talking of cooking methods, how you make your scrambled eggs determine how much protein and other components you get at the end.
For example, cooking scrambled eggs with olive oil will not have much effect on the calories as it would if you used butter. Therefore, it is essential to note that all the ingredients you use to make scrambled eggs will total to the calories and nutritional value of the eggs.
Why You Should Eat Eggs
Unless you are allergic to eggs, you should strive to have eggs in your regular diet. From the section above, you can see how much protein three eggs have. In fact, they can cater to your daily requirement of protein whether or not you are on a weight loss program. The dietary reference intake for protein is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight. Therefore the average woman requires about 46 grams while med need 56 grams of protein each day.
An average egg has about 6 grams of protein. Eating three scrambled eggs will cater to more than a third of your daily intake. Additionally, eggs are naturally filling and increase a person’s satiety giving you the feeling of fullness. If you start your day with a bowl of scrambled eggs, you will likely reduce how much you eat throughout the day.
The high protein content in eggs can help boost overall metabolism. The thermic effect of food brings about the need for the body to use extra calories to digest and process nutrients in the food. Protein increases the metabolic rate more than carbohydrates and fats, which in turn leads to burning more calories.
When Should You Eat Eggs
You can eat eggs at any time one the day. But, if you are looking to maximize the benefits they bring, you should eat them for breakfast. Eggs fill you up quickly, helping you eat less while keeping you satisfied for long. This helps you cut down on food throughout the day, controlling how many calories you eat.
If you are on a weight loss journey or looking to maintain a healthy weight, you should strive to eat eggs for breakfast. But you need to be careful when preparing them to ensure you do not load up on additional calories. The best way to enjoy eggs is by making scrambled eggs, poaching them, boiling or baking. That way, you avoid adding things such as oil or butter that could otherwise scale up the calories.
How Many Eggs Should You Eat?
There is no specific rule on how many eggs you should eat per week. But, you should aim to moderate how much you eat by reducing to one a day. If you are a risk of heart disease, you should stick to one or two egg whites a day. Remember, the yolk is concentrated with cholesterol, and the high-fat content, if eaten regularly, is not healthy.
Are Eggs Good For Building Muscle?
Alan Morton, trainer and PT at TRAINFITNESS PT Courses, says “Eggs are often heralded as the perfect food for athletes and bodybuilders, and it’s easy to see why. A single egg contains all the nutrients needed to turn a fertilized cell into a baby chicken, including high-quality protein, essential fats, vitamins, and minerals.
For humans, eggs can help support muscle growth in several ways. First, the protein in eggs is readily available for the body to use for muscle building. Second, eggs contain leucine, an amino acid that activates protein synthesis, the process by which new muscle tissue is created. So not only do eggs provide the raw materials for muscle growth, but they also trigger the process that makes muscle growth possible.
In addition, eggs are an excellent source of choline, a nutrient that plays a vital role in muscular contraction. For all these reasons, eggs are an excellent food for anyone looking to build muscle mass.”