How to Get Your Kids to Understand the Importance of Cleanliness
Raising kids brings numerous challenges and some are easier to overcome than others. There are things kids are itching to learn and it’s safe to say that housework in general and especially house cleaning isn’t one of them.
According to Cleaning Concepts of St.Louis, the importance of personal hygiene and living space sanitation encompasses so much more than a tidy bed and represents one of the first character-building things your toddlers will learn.

In today’s post, we take a look at smart ways to get kids to clean and understand that residential sanitation is one of the fundamentals of domestic life. If this seems like wishful thinking at the moment, stay with us because we promise it will be much more fun than it seems at the moment.
How to teach children about cleanliness?
Just like with any other chore kids aren’t exactly crazy about, two things are extremely important. The first is to proceed slowly and not overwhelm the little ones from the get-go because it may lead to negative associations in the future.
The second one is to be patient and not lose your cool if things get off to a rocky start. Give kids time and don’t try to force the issue if the timing isn’t right. Ok, now that we’ve armed ourselves with patience, let’s slowly get to the point:
1. Begin from the beginning
Before you draw your sleeves and start working those palms, you should say a few words about the basics like washing their hands, making the bed, and leaving things in their designated place after use. However, keep it short and try to go straight to the point because you don’t want your kids bored and yawning from the outset.
2. Everything is easier when you’re having fun
If you teach your kids to look at house cleaning as fun, they’ll be less inclined to look at it as a tiresome chore and try to evade it altogether. Try to make housekeeping as fun as possible because children learn so much easier when they’re interested and will be more open to engaging and taking things in stride.
3. Don’t wait too long
One of the most important aspects of teaching anything to kids is to do it at the right time of their development. Early exposure sets a precedent and lets you build on the foundations slowly. If you wait too long to impart the necessity of house cleaning to the little ones, your window of opportunity may close and you may struggle to get them involved.
4. Keep it age-appropriate
This is crucial in ensuring that your kids don’t get overwhelmed with their new-found obligations. The first thing your kids need to learn is to wash their hands after going to the toilet, before meals, and when they step into the house from outside. After that, it’s all about their rooms and their stuff. Teach them to put everything in its place and your life will become so much easier!
5. Set an example
Kids are great imitators and they always look to their parents to pick up the moves from them. If your toddlers see you cleaning regularly or notice that the maid service is coming on a recurring basis, they will look at housekeeping as a normal part of your domestic life.
It’s a good idea to involve your spouse in cleaning and turn it into a family activity to teach your kids the importance of teamwork and work-sharing.
6. Let them embrace the responsibility
Once they learn how to clean properly and start to get the hang of it, you should assign specific chores and turn them into their responsibility. Making kids accountable builds character, helps them grow into productive members of the community, and teaches them the pride of a job well done.
7. Try to make it a routine
Introducing the importance of cleaning is a good way to instill another important quality in your toddlers—structure. Implementing a regular schedule of house cleaning will help your kids learn the necessity and benefits of organization and consistency. Kids who recognize the benefits of structure early on are more likely to excel in their academic and professional lives.
8. Reward the effort
This is an important part of the learning process but you have to make sure that you don’t overdo it. Whether it’s a small treat, a thank you note, or just a hug, thanks, and a compliment, celebrating their honest effort will show them that you care and that doing the things you don’t like definitely pays off.