Real Estate & Household

Time to Upgrade the Bathroom? Do the Plumbing Right!

Bathroom upgrades are both about changing your most personal room in the house for the better and increasing the value of a home long-term. A good amount of planning goes into a remodel, especially in regard to getting things right aesthetically and how a homeowner wants to live.

So, it only makes sense then that the plumbing should be taken care of consistently as well. It would be a shame to go through all the trouble of upgrading a bathroom, only to find out that the plumbing doesn’t work as expected or doesn’t work at all. Hiring a skilled Toronto plumber to ensure everything is properly installed and functioning could save a lot of hassle in the long run.

What’s the point if that’s the case? With a professional plumber involved, it doesn’t matter what fixtures or designs are implemented, the plumbing for bathroom remodel orders will be functional and reliable from beginning to end. More importantly, it will be safe for the home as well, avoiding any unwanted leaks.


Remodel Nightmares Happen With Subcontracting

A good number of problems with remodels comes with the fact that homeowners typically deal with one company to handle everything. That vendor takes a foreman approach to things and brings in subcontractors to handle all the different parts.

What the homeowner doesn’t see or know usually is that the subcontractors may hire the lowest cost and skilled workers available to maximize the profit margin on the job. Doing so also means that the quality of the work can be sub par too.

With aesthetics, the installation of new fixtures and décor at least have to look like what’s expected, or the job is incomplete. However, with plumbing and wiring changes, those things are hidden. So, a homeowner has no idea what is actually being done for the project unless they take the time to watch and notice concerns.

Break Apart the Project

The trick to solving the sub par subcontracting work is to break apart the project. The homeowner ends up with a bit more planning work, but by having a professional plumber separate from the main job vendor, the homeowner can ensure the plumbing work is done right.

It will require the homeowner to manage the coordination between the two vendors, but many times local repair businesses know each other and work out a lot of the scheduling details directly when they are on good terms.

However, the fact that both report to the homeowner helps keep cutting corners to a minimum. This allows the homeowner to know for sure a licensed plumber handled the work versus a handyman, and that the work was done with protections and code compliance as well.

It’s also important to make sure all workers on the remodel are employed and part of the company hired for the work. A separate professional plumber works well because the homeowner is contracting directly with the plumber provider. With project job companies, subcontractors can be used without clarification, and if they don’t get paid they can put a lien on the property worked on.

This creates two problems: the main contractor was already paid for the work and the subcontract still wants to get paid, doubling the cost, and the property can’t be sold or financially modified due to the lien now in the way legally. This kind of headache is avoided where everyone involved is paid by the homeowner directly as the primary company.

Don’t Let a Remodel Go Bad

A homeowner has a lot of control over who does the plumbing work in a bathroom renovation. However, it does mean doing some homework and getting involved instead of just turning over a remodel to a general contractor.

In fact, having awareness can help tremendously, both in knowing what to approve and what still needs additional work with a home project. Spend the time to plan your contractors right, and it will pay off with a more satisfying upgrade to your home.

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