
Time Flies By Fast

Time Flies

To whom it may concern:

Took this photo on a train from Paris en route to St. Malo, France at the end of May, 2010.  This was one of the first 1st class trains I took in Europe  and you see a lot of people like this. As I looked around I saw mainly elderly people except for the gent across from me who dressed in business attire I assumed was in his 40’s.

Look at how fast the background is going by, it’s just a blur with one thing indistinguishable from the next.  Kinda like time, just flying by in one big blur. Reminded me that everything changes except that can of coke.

Also got me thinking about how you need to do what you want with your life, while you can.  Just as the background is flying by so is your life.  Before you know it, you’ll have a new can of coke and an old body with more in your rear-view than through the windshield.

Furthermore, there will be some “random traveler” taking a photo of you.

Tips hat,

Note: To enlarge image, right click and select “view image”.

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