Legal Issues

5 Things You Should Think About Before Getting a Divorce

The divorce process is a big step, and many people take it without fully understanding what it will mean for both them and their children. There are many reasons that people get divorced, but you do need to be sure that you are thinking about all of the logistics related to the divorce process before you commit to this final decision.

Your St. Louis divorce attorneys will help you to understand your options and the considerations that you need to have in mind before you decide to go through with your divorce. Being prepared for the divorce process can make all the difference when it comes to stress and confusion during this life-changing event.

Things to Think About Before Divorcing

Often, divorce is the best decision for both people involved in a failing relationship. However, divorce is fundamentally a legal process, and there are many steps that you will need to undertake before you are able to finalize the divorce process. Having all of these things in mind can help you to be ready for this big decision.

1.      Children

This is by far the biggest consideration related to a divorce, and it is often one of the areas where people are the least prepared. Divorce does not just impact the adults in a relationship. It also completely alters life for the children who are involved in the relationship.

The divorce process requires that a parenting plan is established. This parenting plan will determine who has the children for which parts of the year, over which holidays, and so much more. This parenting plan is also connected with the amount of child support that has to be paid by the non-primary parent.

While it is common for the primary parent to be the mother, there are situations where the mother is not able or willing to be the primary parent. In these situations, the parenting plan will have to be set up to work with these unique considerations.

Children often suffer the most from divorce as far as upheaval and stress during the process. It’s important to have their well-being in mind as you initiate and work through the divorce process.

2.      Alimony or Spousal Support

Many people are not aware of their state’s laws with regard to alimony or spousal support. While not every couple will be faced with this aspect of their divorce considerations, there are conditions that can lead to spousal support being paid to one-half of the divorcing relationship.

This can be a nasty surprise for those who were not aware that they would owe this extra money for a set duration of time, or perhaps for life. It can also be a confusing process to navigate if you were not aware that you would owe this money but you feel ambivalent about taking it.

Alimony and spousal support are not always a part of the divorce process, but they are typically the most contentious part of the divorce process if this is a consideration that needs to be dealt with.

3.      Divorce Can Take Time

Many people tend to think that a divorce can be done within a few weeks, but that is not the case at all. The divorce process can take weeks, months, or even years. The more that you own together, the more difficult it will be to split up all of your possessions, finances, and so forth.

Divorces are never completed over a very short timeframe, so if you were thinking that you would be free to move on with your life right away, you need to think again. Your legal team can help you to prepare for the timeline of your divorce so that you don’t find yourself unpleasantly surprised once the proceedings begin.

4.      Divorce Costs Money

Divorce can be done with the help of an online filing agency or company, but this is rarely a good idea. Divorces are best handled by a skilled legal team, but that means that you need to have the money to hire a lawyer.

Always be sure that you have set aside some money for your lawyer’s retainer at a minimum. Some legal teams work pro-bono, and you might need to ask about this option as you shop for legal professionals to support you throughout your divorce.

Always know that a divorce is a commitment that involves financial contributions. This should not discourage you from seeking one, however. Most lawyers will work with clients who are not able to pay a retainer immediately upon hiring them. You will need to ask about the various payment options open to you before you assume that you cannot afford a skilled lawyer to help represent your case.

5.      You Will Not Agree

No matter how amicable your divorce process is turning out to be, at some point, you and your former spouse will not see eye-to-eye. This might be over something as silly as the kitchen plates or something like a suitcase that you don’t want to have to give to the other person. You might be shocked at the kinds of things that people often argue over during a divorce.

Be prepared for disagreement at each step of the divorce process. If you and your former spouse manage to remain amicable for the whole time, that is lovely. However, it is not at all common for this to be the case. Be prepared to argue with your former partner while your legal team takes care of the divorce.

Retaining a Skilled Divorce Lawyer Matters

Divorce is not a simple process. You need a skilled lawyer to help you get the right documentation done. Your lawyer will also make sure that you are not giving up too much in the divorce or forgetting critical things like the child support agreement and your parenting plan.

If you are ready to go through with the divorce process, be sure that you are working with a lawyer who is experienced in family law. Having a skilled legal team on your side can make all the difference in the outcome of your case.

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