Reader Stories

The Allure of Duty Free


Half the fun of the airport for me is shopping in duty free. I enjoy my holiday, oh how I enjoy it, but when I get to the airport and I’ve waved goodbye to my suitcase, praying it arrives at the same destination as me, at the same time, then mind my wanders to cut price shopping.

Of course, it may be cut price, but you still need money, so saving anything possible before you leave the house will mean more to spend on those perfumes, cosmetics, purses and handbags.

Oh the handbags …

To save money on travel plans, consider driving yourself to the airport and parking up. I’ve often found this a cheaper option when compared to expensive trains, coaches, and taxis, whilst also being much lower in stress. Nobody wants to start their holiday pulling their hair out, and I certainly don’t with the amount of time it takes me to do it!

I regularly book my parking at Manchester Airport at the same time I book my flight these days, because having tried this service several times, there’s now no going back for me. I have used APH Parking plenty of times and found they offer a brilliant service. If this sounds like your idea of fun, and if not, why not, then check out ParkBCP for fantastic rates and a large range of services, meaning parking facilities at most large UK airports.

Money saved, and the glittering shopping halls are calling …

The key to remember is moderation. Yes, things are cheaper, but do you really need them? Give yourself a budget and stick to it, that way you won’t overspend and have nothing left for your holiday, where you’re meant to be enjoying yourself!

If there’s something specific you want, then budget yourself enough to buy it and treat yourself, however be aware of the impulse buy. When you’re on a high because you’re excited about your holiday, you have money in your pocket, and you see something that looks attractive, ask yourself the question of whether you really need it, because half the time, no you don’t!

Be aware that if you’re buying cigarettes or alcohol, there are limits on to what you can take into the country you’re flying to, varying on whether you’re heading into an EU country, or a non-EU country. The airport staff will ask for your boarding pass when you head to the till to pay and if you’re over, they will sometimes advise you, although not always, so it’s worth being clued up on this before you go.

Remember there will probably also be duty free goods available on the plane, so don’t burn your duty free limit out before you even board!

Another thing to bear in mind is that you have to carry all that you buy, and whilst you might not be laden with a suitcase at that point in time, you will be when you get to the other side, so consider your poor muscles when purchasing!

If after all that you still want to abuse your credit card a little, good luck, I know I will be partaking in a little duty free of my own once I head off on my summer jaunt!

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