
Innovative Bike Doubling in Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica


You don’t see this everyday, do you? We’ve all seen and unless we lived a boring childhood, partook in such dangerous bike doubling schemes. The difference is when is the last time you saw someone do this but on the handlebars, sitting backwards? I’ve seen a whole slew of bike doubling dare-devils on my travels around the world but this has to be one of the more irresponsible. Saw this here a day or so ago outside Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica.

The kind of thing in Canada a quote like “Don’t tell Mom” would be appropriate.

Now the random joking aside, this probably isn’t a “dare-devil duo” on a dirt road roaming around without a care in the world. This is the little kids ride to school… A bit of a sobering thought yes? To make matters worse, this road is incredibly bad with pot holes that will swallow your whole bike.

You can see a million waterfalls, you can go to yet another beach resort or see another monkey… What keeps traveling interesting is the small insights into the daily lives of other people. If you travel long enough you’ll see lots of things that change your perspective as your experience points on this planet pileup.

At the end of the day though, none of that matters, does it? What matters is this – are you happy?

The smiles on the kids faces tell the whole story.

Tips hat,

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