Travel Talk

4 Alternative Ways to Plan Your Holiday

Everyone is already familiar with planning for holidays. From boarding a plane to somewhere to walk to a nearby park for a camping trip. There are evidently many ways to plan your holiday. But here is the thing, do you ever get bored with traveling the ‘normal way’?

For example, let’s say you have had enough of flying with all the tediousness involved with it. Or perhaps, you care a lot about the environment, so you want to choose a greener travel method. Luckily, I have some solutions for you in this article. Check out some of the great alternative ways to plan your holiday.


Traveling by train

Do you know that traveling by train offers plenty of benefits for you? In fact, many people prefer the train to the plane for traveling. Yes, I know that trains are generally slower than planes, but some of the benefits might be attractive for you.

First of all, traveling by train is very easy – a lot less hassle, no lengthy check-in process, no need to worry about your luggage, and you can relax more. Depending on the train you choose, some trains allow you to sleep like in a hotel, complete with shower and meals. In many countries, you can also bring your own food and drinks on board. And of course, trains are better for the planet – 75% less greenhouse gas than cars.

The extra legroom that you can get by boarding a train is simply too good to pass up. Also, nowadays, you can enjoy free Wi-FI during your travel. So if you are planning to work or simply browse the internet The extra legroom that you can get by boarding a train is simply too good to pass up. Also, nowadays, you can enjoy free Wi-FI during your travel. So if you are planning to work or simply browse the internet while traveling, boarding a train could be the best solution. Not to mention all the freedom of movement you get while on a train.

You can talk to other passengers, walk through the cars, and more. For more alternative ideas such as this one, you could have a look at this holiday planning tool I found. It’s a little different but you can play around with your budget and get an idea of how much it will cost to travel to your destination and all the extra little details like finding out where to go and what you should do in your destination of choice.

You don’t have to go far away

As mentioned above, you can simply go to a nearby park and camp there. This is a great alternative solution for people who want to go on a vacation without spending too much time traveling. Let’s say you only have one or two days to go somewhere. So rather than spending hours getting to the location, you can just go to a nearby park.

This is especially better if there is a great location near your home. Take everything you need, from tents to a portable stove. You can’t forget snacks and other raw ingredients if you are planning to cook during your camping trip.

Be a volunteer

So rather than planning your trip yourself, why not make it more interesting by volunteering and traveling at the same time? Volunteering abroad can be a fulfilling experience, and nowadays, there are so many organizations that are looking for more volunteers. Of course, you are not getting paid for your work, but you can visit a new location that you have never heard of before and help the local communities at the same time.

There are also organizations that charge you for accommodation and food as well. Usually, these organizations serve as an intermediary between local communities and NGOs abroad. The total fee depends on the location and duration of your stay. But, you can always contact the NGOs directly if you don’t want to pay.

Visit new locations

Don’t you ever get bored with visiting the same places over and over again? This is exactly how I feel too when someone is talking about common touristic locations such as Paris, London, and New York. Why go to these places when you can visit less known but great destinations?

Some ideas for your next trip are Montenegro, North Macedonia, Costa Rica, Lichtenstein, Vietnam, Bhutan, and Tajikistan. There are still many more destinations that you can try. The trick is finding these locations is by reading other people’s experiences or using tools like the one mentioned above.


Planning your holidays can be tricky sometimes. Just keep in mind that your plan doesn’t have to be plain or boring. You can always spice things up to make your trip more interesting, you just might need some help to achieve that.

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