Travel Talk

Ziplining, Zoo, Segways & Such in Seminole County

Good day,

After the game of golf yesterday, was picked up by my friend Latoya who also happens to do social media for the Seminole County Tourist Board, Florida. Seminole County is known as a tourist destination for nature lovers and getting one with nature is just what we did. The day started out with a trip to the Central Florida Zoo & Botanical Gardens where we got in touch with our inner child by checking out the animals, going on a segway tour and finally one of the more popular attractions, the monster Zoom Air Zipline course…

The Central Florida Zoo is located in Sanford which is in Seminole County, Florida. Amongst other exhibits what got me most interested was the fact that it has there cheetahs. If you are a regular reader you’ll know I just got back from safari in South Africa and we saw lots of animals but the cheetah was illusive. It was a real treat to see all three of them doing there thing. They routine walk around the borders of their area as though to mark territory which gives you awesome views form behind the glass. The also had other cool exhibits including a sloth who we actually saw moving around, consider that to be quite the achievement.

The Zoo offers Segway tours and this was my first time on one of those interesting machines. It’s crazy how intuitive they are and highly recommend you give them a shot somewhere if the opportunity presents itself. They can go about as fast as you can run and turn on a dime. Also they are incredibly sturdy but don’t try and turn while going backwards, egregious consequences may follow. On the tour we met Gus who is the resident camel, he was a friendly gentleman and is owned by the Shriners and used for all sorts of festivals. Camels are interesting creatures and who else can pound 35 gallons of water in one sitting? Yes, that’s right, no one.

Afterward we were on to the main event which was the zipline course. This course was no joke and not just a zipline. It was more like an obstacle course high in the sky with some ziplines to spice it up. The longest ones were about 500 feet across the parking lot and a small reservoir. Liked that they showed us how it was done then let us do it on our own. Last time I did it we had to basically do one, wait, queue, do another and then repeat. This gave us full autonomy to do it at our own speeds, something I’m a big fan of. You need to be a certain height to do it and it’s for all ages, we saw some old lady doing it and I named her the “Granny Express”.

Was quite shocked how BUSY it was for a random Monday in weather that couldn’t be described as ideal. There were countless couples, families and school tours. Will note that teachers deserve special credit and are basically underpaid no matter how much they get. Kids are crazy and can’t imagine ever being a teacher but… I digress.

Tomorrow we’re going kayaking before returning to Fort Lauderdale where I catch a plane to the Bahamas…

Tips hat,

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