Why Should You Have Omega-3 Fatty Acids Daily? 14 Scientific Benefits
We have all heard of the benefit of specific fatty acids, omega-3, on our health. Omega-3 fatty acids are widely known to save us from a wide range of cholesterol-related diseases. But how do they help exactly?
We often overlook this essential nutritional element and don’t give much effort to consuming it. However, thanks to Omega soft gels anyone can get enough Omega-3 anytime. Also, that’s not the only thing these fatty acids help us. There is a wide range of benefits that this good fat does to us, from brain development to better sex life.

Read on to find the fourteen reasons you need to incorporate omega-3 fatty acids into your everyday routine.
1. Maintains Cholesterol Levels
One of the most crucial functions of omega-3 acids is it helps you to maintain your cholesterol levels. Why is this so important? Because high cholesterol can badly affect your health in ways that may kill you, such as sudden strokes.
High cholesterol can deposit fat in your blood vessels, especially in your arteries. This will eventually lead to cardiovascular diseases like cardiac arrests, arrhythmias, and cardiomyopathy. High cholesterol levels also cause fatty liver disease, even in non-alcoholic people.
Omega-3 fatty acids help cut down the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels by increasing high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. This helps to cut down the fat in your blood, reducing fatty deposits and blockages in your arteries. If you’re someone who struggles to get natural Omega-3 from food, there are a wide variety of supplements you can take instead. To see these products you can search for ‘the best vegan omega 3 supplements’ online, or visit your local vitamin and supplement store.
2. Maintains Blood Pressure
Since omega-3 acids help cut down LDL cholesterol with HDL cholesterol, there’s a lesser amount of fat deposits in the blood, and the vessels will be elastic. This means the heart can pump blood throughout the body at its regular rate.
As omega-3 fatty acids maintain normal blood pressure, the blood flow will remain normal in and around the brain. This means that it also contributes to lowering the risk of strokes.
Try incorporating fish into your diet. Salmon, tuna, halibut, and other fishes are good natural sources. If you love shellfish like prawns, lobsters, mussels, and oysters, you have more reasons to have them now. Shellfish are rich in this good fat!
Speaking of natural options, if you want to try options for healthy fish snacks, check this out: https://speakingofseafood.org/.
3. Promotes Brain Development During Pregnancy
Why do doctors prescribe pregnant women omega-3 supplements and ask them to consume fish, especially those from the sea? Fishes like salmon, tuna, trout, mackerel, bass, etc., are natural and healthy sources of omega-3 acids.
These fatty acids are essential for the growth of the child’s brain and the development of their bones and joints. Brains are nothing but fat, which insulates the neurons and supports proper neuron transmissions.
Omega-3 fatty acids develop the brain and neurons properly, especially DHA, which is almost entirely made up of omega-3 fat. They help produce more neurons, thus making denser neuron connections. The higher the neuron connections, the more intelligent the children will be.
4. Protects Memory and Intelligence
Declining or poor memory can hit at any age. Depreciating brain functions is something unavoidable when someone is aging. Besides, Alzheimer’s disease can also affect a person as early as 30 years of age.
Omega-3 fatty acids protect the neurons by insulating them. Also, since brains are made of fat, the fatty acids support the chemical transmissions to carry out effectively.
Proper bedding for neuron transmissions and connectivity will ensure that you have strong memory since youth and are intelligent as well, no matter how old you are. Besides, omega-3 acid supplements may be beneficial in delaying AD during its onset.
5. Protects Mental Health
Omega-3 fat is also known to alleviate mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. Sounds confusing? But surprisingly, people suffering from depression and anxiety start feeling better when they take omega-3 acids.
It’s not all types of omega-3 fats that improve their conditions. There are still studies to be conducted to see how these fatty acids improve symptoms of mental health issues. EPA, in particular, has been observed to work against depression and anxiety as an antidepressant.
Studies on children with ADHD have shown that they have lower levels of omega-3 fats in their bodies compared to healthy children. Giving them omega-3 supplements has improved their attention and decreased their hyperactivity, aggression, and restlessness.
6. Maintains Metabolism
People can suffer from a condition called metabolic syndrome at any age. Sometimes, it can stunt the growth of children, which can affect their overall health early on. Sufferers show insulin resistance, high blood pressure, high LDL cholesterol, and obesity.
Omega-3 eases all these symptoms and improves metabolism. This is especially important for kids, as this is their optimum growth stage.
7. Eases Menstrual Pain and PMS
Premenstrual syndrome, or PMS, hits before a woman gets her periods. Symptoms can be either mild or quite severe and usually appear as severe mood swings, bloating, and tenderness.
They suffer more severe mood swings and tenderness, with the added discomfort due to the bleeding and pain in the lower abdomen and the entire pelvic area. Sometimes the pain can travel to the thighs and back as well.
The women who have them regularly suffer from milder symptoms and discomfort. Yes, there are exercises and other habits that you can incorporate into your daily routine to help with it. But omega-3 supplements and food enriched in this fatty acid can help relieve pain and symptoms.
8. Improves Optical Health
A crucial component made of omega-3 fat, DHA, makes up for most of the fat component in the retina of our eyes. It can also slow down the degeneration of the retina. You should have enough omega-3 fats to support your optical health and maintain your vision.
If you’re deficient in it, you’ll have vision problems. In seniors, a lack of omega-3 fatty acids can cause them to lose their vision, causing partial to complete blindness. And if you already have a damaged retina, omega-3 can’t help you reverse that damage.
9. Promotes Skin Health
Cells in our body, especially those of our skin, need ample good fat and water to keep the membrane and inner components in their optimum condition. DHA, a compound mainly consisting of omega-3 acids, is responsible for it.
EPA, another component of omega-3 acids, helps keep the skin hydrated. It also helps to manage sebum production, the natural oil in the skin that helps keep the skin moisturized and supple.
Besides, omega-3 supplements will help you a lot if you suffer from psoriasis or eczema. These fatty acids, especially EPA, block the release of certain chemicals that cause these skin conditions. EPA also helps to recover skin and protect it from UV ray damage.
10. Fights Mood Disorders
Experiments have shown that omega-3 fatty acids help to ease the symptoms of mood disorders like bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and ADHD in children. It also helps to reduce mood swings’ frequency, whether it’s hormonal or for other reasons.
Besides, since omega-3 supplements act as antidepressants in some cases, they help to control violent behavior in people who have trouble managing their anger issues.
11. Supports Joints and Bones
Besides synovial fluids, our joints need natural lubricants, and fats make a good part of it. A good amount of omega-3 fatty acids daily will ensure that your joints are well-lubricated even when you get old.
Omega-3 fats are also thought to play a huge role in retaining adequate amounts of calcium. This will help you prevent risks like osteoporosis as much as possible in your old age.
12. Helps to Sleep Better
No matter how stressed we are, we need proper sleep to rest our bodies and mind. However, if you have low levels of omega-3 in your body, you’ll have trouble sleeping. Poor sleeping quality can cause health issues like obesity, diabetes, sleep apnea, etc.
Omega-3 helps with the quality of sleep and stress management. Studies show that people who take omega-3 daily have a better sleep and lesser interruptions in their sleep cycle. It also lengthened their sleep cycles and allowed them to sleep for the proper amount of time.
13. Controls Inflammation
Omega-3 fats help reduce inflammation, whether external, like those on the skin and other exposed parts, or internal, like autoimmune diseases. It’s especially helpful if you want to combat these diseases from an early age.
When you have an autoimmune disease, like Crohn’s disease, psoriasis, lupus, or even diabetes, your immune system identifies healthy human cells as foreign cells and attacks them. Omega-3 can help reduce these occurrences if you have them during your early life.
14. Keeps Libido in Check
If you want to enjoy a healthy sexual life, then you must take care of your sexual health. Good fat is essential to produce healthy amounts of sex hormones so that they can maintain your sex drive.
Omega-3 fatty acids help to produce these hormones properly, and also produce healthy sperms. These help to keep up the sperm quality and sexual function in men.
To maintain good sexual health, doctors usually suggest couples consume seafood regularly. Seafood, such as oysters, mussels, sea urchins, and some types of fish, are natural aphrodisiacs, which means they increase libido.
Omega-3 fatty acids help us to combat a wide range of diseases and issues. They produce higher levels of good cholesterol that fight off LDL cholesterol.
Having these fatty acids daily, whether as supplements or directly from food, will help you reduce the chances of severe health consequences later in your life.
We hope this information will help you to incorporate more omega-3 into your diet with various fishes and supplements. A healthy life is a happy life!