Top 3 Fundamental Factors Of A Beautiful And Healthy Figure
A beautiful figure is the dream of every woman. With undisguised admiration, and sometimes with a certain amount of envy, we look at the slender beauties from the covers of glossy magazines and often sigh that nature has not endowed us with equally pleasant forms. In fact, everything is in our hands – absolutely every woman can become the owner of a slim and beautiful figure! True, for this you will have to work hard!

1. Fitness on guard of a beautiful figure
Fitness is not only a newfangled trend but also a kind of physical activity that in every possible way contributes to the physical development of a person. Nowadays, fitness is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. Regular fitness classes help strengthen muscles, make the body more elastic, develop flexibility and endurance, and even lose weight because physical activity to a large extent helps to speed up metabolism and burn calories.
And in combination with some cosmetic procedures and massage, fitness helps to cope with cellulite. As for contraindications to fitness, there are relatively few of them – these is advanced age, pregnancy and certain health problems. However, even in this case, you can choose a sparing fitness program and always stay in great shape.
Physical activity should be varied
The proportions of the human figure are determined by the skeleton and muscular corset. Regular physical activity should be evenly distributed to all muscles of the body. A beautiful figure is a harmonious combination of all muscle groups. The thin neck and inflated shoulder girdle, muscular legs and weak pectoral muscles will look dissonant.
A critical look at yourself in the mirror helps to correct the figure. Famous beauties and handsome men keep themselves in good physical shape by doing sports every day.
2. Proper nutrition
Healthy eating is another important step on the way to gaining a beautiful figure. It’s no secret that the uncontrolled consumption of air cakes and mouth-watering cakes, as well as regular nighttime snacks, can quickly make the figure much less attractive. Yes, and health problems in this case, too, can not be avoided.
In order to get the figure of your dreams as soon as possible, it is important to adhere to a certain diet and try to make your diet varied and balanced – the body must receive all the trace elements and vitamins it needs. Ideally, it is recommended to eat fractionally, that is, eat food in small portions and several times a day (the total number of meals can be up to four, five or even six).
No eggs for breakfast
Eggs are classified as dietary foods. But on the condition that the daily norm of the product does not exceed 2 pieces, and they are used in boiled form. However, many star beauties and celebrities have excluded this product from their menu.
One chicken egg can weigh, depending on the size, from 50 to 75 grams. The average calorie content of 1 raw/boiled/fried egg is approximately the same and equal to 90 kcal. The product is 30% protein, and contains many vitamins.
The most common reason for not eating egg products is switching to a vegetarian or vegan diet. For people with digestive problems (especially with the liver), eggs are an undesirable product.
Protein diet
A protein diet is popular with athletes, as it helps to quickly form and maintain a relief muscle corset in shape at optimal weight. Replacing fats and carbohydrates with protein products on the menu can lead to health problems. But we recommend reliable additives like plant based protein powder.
Proteins are not only the building but also energy materials for the body. In terms of calories, they are 2 times inferior to fats and are equivalent to carbohydrates.
Energy value of food products:
- 1 gram of protein – 4.1 kcal;
- 1 gram of carbohydrates – 4.1 kcal;
- 1 gram of fat – 9.3 kcal.
The exclusion of carbohydrates and fats from the diet leads to an increased intake of proteins. As a result, there is a violation of the acid-base balance (pH) in the body. (Proteins oxidize, carbohydrates and fats alkalize the biological environment).
A weakly alkaline environment is necessary for the life of the human body. This is especially important for the kidneys and liver. The acid load on these organs can lead to the development of disease states. An acidic pH causes weight gain. Excess acids in the body are stored in the fat folds on the figure.
Bars are just a snack, not a replacement for natural food
Popular cereal and protein bars cannot replace a good diet and become a diet for weight loss. Dry concentrates in the stomach swell and take up the volume, thereby drowning out the feeling of hunger. But for the digestion of these products, increased consumption of gastric juice is required. A bar-based diet will provoke the development of gastritis or stomach ulcers, which eliminates the desire to have a slim figure.
Fibre is very important for the body
The shells and pulp of grains, legumes, vegetables and fruits are not digested by the enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract. Dietary fibre is found only in foods of plant origin. They are necessary for digestion because thanks to them a person feels full, and toxins are removed from the body.
Dietary fibre is saturated with gastric juice and increases in volume, filling the stomach. The brain gives a signal of saturation, and the person loses the desire to eat. The use of fibre reduces the calorie content of the diet, contributing to weight loss and maintaining a slim figure. The most fibre-rich beans, peas, oatmeal, bran, almonds, and dark chocolate.
3. Body care
The body, just like the face, needs regular care. But for some reason, many young ladies stubbornly ignore this moment, and in vain. If you periodically pamper your body with various cosmetics, the range of which is now able to impress anyone, you can make the figure even more attractive: get rid of cellulite, tighten sagging breasts, and also make the skin of the neck, décolleté, and the whole body as a whole elastic and elastic. From professional peels and scrubs in the salon to homemade masks, wraps, to innovative radio frequency for cellulite and massage with an anti-cellulite mitten – choose any methods that you like or which are most suitable for your skin type. Not only will you say goodbye to many problems, but your mood will also be lifted, and self-esteem will rise.
You can pamper yourself once a week – no more
Limiting yourself to familiar products, wanting to lose weight and maintain a slender figure, is difficult for most people. To improve well-being and mood, without consequences for the figure, you can organise a “cheat meal” for yourself one day a week.
In combination with regular physical activity and proper nutrition, the result will not be long in coming!
Be always beautiful and healthy, and let your figure become the subject of admiration of others!