Travel Talk

Off to Vancouver, British Columbia for a Weekend

Good day,

The weather in Victoria is fair and by fair I mean a light sweater would be a good call as you stroll through a tree-lined street towards a small coffee shop. What an interesting little coastal city I’m in. What’s a real treat about travel is being able to return to places you only visited briefly after touring the world to give them another opinion. Victoria my friends, is all good. It’s so laid back and just seems like a place rich in happiness and smiles which is always a good thing to get into on this planet…

In other news, off to Vancouver which puts an end to this burly albeit brief trip to Victoria. That said, I’ll be back sometime next week before taking the 30 hour or so trip Israel, that should be cool. The reason I’m off to Vancouver is to see a good friend get married. There is a weird deja-vu theme going around in my mind. This whole journey started 3 years ago at a friend’s wedding in Vancouver…. From there SHABL was released to the world, I’m curious what the next 3 years have in store!?

Yesterday was spent golfing again before heading to a friend’s parents for dinner. For all you lamb lovers out there, I implore you try a lamb sirloin at some point in your life. The chops are challenging and the rack riveting but nothing quite compares to a nice medium cooked lamb sirloin, seriously.

I’m still undecided on the ferry or the float plane, both have their distinct pros and cons.

Also remember, it’s a blue moon tonight and you know what they say “once in a blue moon…”

Tips hat,

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