How To Make Your Commute From Work More Enjoyable
If you’re among those who don’t have the luxury of working from home, you must have gone through the dreaded commute routines. You can drive or catch the bus or train from work depending on your distance.
Often, there are sets of challenges, like beating the traffic to get home on time. If you’re going for public transport, you must adhere to travel schedules so that you don’t miss the train or bus. Such factors can make your commute from work unpleasant.
To this end, consider the following creative tips on how to make your commute from work enjoyable.
- Mix Up Your Mode Of Transport
Familiarity breeds contempt, so they say. It gets boring if you have to use the same mode of transport every day. Versatility makes your commute enjoyable. There are several options you can explore to make the most out of the experience. If you drive from work, trying different routes would be expedient because it diversifies your commute experience.

Alternatively, you can try public transport. Catch the bus or train, and enjoy the company of your colleagues or friends. You might bump into an old friend during the drive and catch up. You can also skate or ride a bicycle to work. If you want to travel on a street skateboard to polish your skating skills, try electric street skateboards. It’s a surreal way to enjoy your commute from work.
- Listen To A Podcast
Podcasts are interesting, especially those that touch on everyday hot topics. They also help you learn to build your language skills. Other podcasts are specific, and they might pique your interest. For instance, you can find a podcast related to your hobbies or profession. You’ll find such podcasts resourceful and helpful in your career.
Your commute from work is one of the best times to listen to that exciting podcast you’ve been meaning to check out. After all, there’s not much you can do while traveling. They can offer some valuable tips that you’ll need to jumpstart your workday the following morning. If you’re using public transport, bring your headphones to avoid disturbing other passengers.
- Read A Book
Another excellent way to pass the time is by reading a book. All you have to do is pick a quiet place on your ride and enjoy the book. It can be fictional or nonfictional, depending on what interests you.
Reading a book is among the best ways to unwind and calm your mind after an overwhelming day at work. Reading can be done for fun or as a way to further your knowledge or skills. However, it’s easy to get lost in the pages and miss your stop. To avoid this, be on the lookout or set an alarm to notify you when it’s almost your stop time.
- Play Some Tunes
Good music can help set the mood for your commute. Thus, it’s necessary to consider the music you’ll be playing. On this note, you can create a playlist. Ensure you put in some soothing music if you’ll be driving.
Music can help you relax and reduce your anxiety. Thus, if you’re driving, it may be best to avoid hard rock and go for smooth, relaxing songs. After all, it’s the end of the day, and you need a calm and relaxed mood. The bottom line is that the music should help you enjoy your commute and not set you in a raging temper.
- Catch Up With Friends
Your friends and colleagues can help you spice up your commute time. It’s the best time to catch up with old friends or make new ones. Pick a topic that most of you can share your views on, and you’ll be surprised how the commute home seems faster. A good conversation will make you enjoy the company and keep your mind off work.
Also, you can use this time to check up on some of your friends or relatives if it’s been a while since you talked to them. You may be too busy working most of the day to make a call and play catch-up. That’s why your commute time can be an excellent time to call and hear from them.
- Enjoy The Surroundings
Nature is soothing. You can use your commute time to get lost in all your surroundings have to offer. Simply looking out of the window can take your mind off work stress.
If you’re lucky to have a scenic route, use your phone and take some pictures. If the road goes through a city market, enjoy the energy of the people as they move around. It’s always exciting to live in the moment by enjoying your surroundings.
Although it’s the end of the day and you’re tired or overwhelmed after a busy workday, you can make your commute from work exciting and fun. If you find fun in your commute practices, you’ll be looking forward to ending your workday. Use the tips above for a fulfilling experience. Whatever decision you make, make sure it helps you disconnect from work.