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How To Help Your Child Thrive in High School When They’re Dealing With Mental Illness

Coping with mental illness during high school can be incredibly challenging, but it doesn’t have to hinder your child’s progress. In this article, we will discover how you can help your child thrive despite their mental health struggles.

Understanding High School Stressors and Mental Illness

Statistics reveal that the number of adolescents dealing with mental health issues has increased over the years. And the stressors associated with high school life often exacerbate these issues.

The pressures of academics, future-oriented decisions, social issues, and personal development create a complex environment that can trigger or worsen mental health conditions.

Understanding these stressors can help you empathize with your child’s struggle and provide you with insight into what might be exacerbating their mental illness. Remember, getting professional help, such as from the best psychologist in Charlotte NC, can make a significant difference.

Knowing more about how high school stressors affect mental health is the first step in helping your child manage their condition effectively.

Finding Resources for Adequate Support


Get in touch with teachers, counselors, or other school staff to make them aware of your child’s situation. Understand what resources are available at the school, such as counseling services and organizations, and how to access them.

If required, discuss academic accommodations for your child. Unfortunately, there are misconceptions surrounding certain scholarships and organizations such as National Society of High School Scholars (NSHSS). Some even question, “Is NSHSS a scam?” However, such opportunities, when used properly, can ease strain on your high schooler.

Also, schools often have policies in place to support students battling mental health conditions. Take advantage of them. Collaborating with the school gives your child a comforting safety net, enabling them to manage their mental health better.

Recognizing Symptoms of Mental Illness in Your Child

Recognizing mental health issues in high school students can be challenging. Symptoms can manifest as common adolescent behaviors such as moodiness or rebellion.

However, if these behaviors persist for a prolonged period, it is vital to consult a mental health professional. Changes in sleeping or eating patterns, withdrawn behavior, repeated health complaints, or decline in academic performance might be cause for concern.

Understanding these signs will guide you in seeking appropriate help for your child.

Effective Communication: Discussing Mental Health With Your High Schooler

When it comes to discussing mental health, honest and open communication is vital. Encourage your child to express their feelings and ensure they understand it’s okay to talk about mental health.

Active listening plays a crucial role. Avoid judgment or instant solutions, but validate their feelings and show empathy. Refrain from overwhelming them with multiple questions but let it be a safe space for them to voice their thoughts and feelings.

Consistent communication not only helps you understand their struggles better but also strengthens your relationship.

Implementing Healthy Coping Mechanisms and Therapeutic Techniques at Home


Implementing therapeutic techniques and healthy coping mechanisms at home can help your child manage their mental health effectively.

Regular physical activity, a balanced diet, and a consistent sleep schedule boost your child’s mental well-being. Mindfulness activities like meditation and yoga are also beneficial.

Teaching your child stress management and relaxation techniques will equip them with tools to cope with their anxiety or depression on a day-to-day basis. Mental health professionals can help design a suitable, comprehensive management plan for your child.

Overall, understanding high school stressors, recognizing mental health symptoms in your child, practicing effective communication, coordinating with the school authorities, and implementing home-based coping strategies can substantially aid your child in managing their mental health during their high school years.

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