Travel Talk

Eating Scorpions & MBK Shopping

Woke up feeling gregarious and struck up a conversation with a lady at breakfast. Turns out she wanted to go to MBK, so did I. I told my friend on the way to breakfast I wanted to go back, to buy a new wardrobe. A wardrobe of thinner fabric for this humid as hades climate. I’m starting to get acclimatized.

My new friend and I took the bus, it was only 7baht, ~$.20. We got there and shopped for ~6 hours. I was much too lazy to go do laundry so I deemed it prudent to simply buy a new wardrobe.

I”m pleased to report that is exactly what I did for ~2000 baht or ~$65US. I bought 2 pairs of light weight, functional yet cool cargo shorts. I got them in black and khaki., found them at half the price, but the material didn’t breath. This would effectively turn you into a “swamp” so to speak.  The lady even hemmed them for me, grand total ~1050 batht. I then bought 6 pairs of boxers, 2 silk, the others uber light weight @ 100 baht each. Bought some board shorts for 300 baht and a high quality Beatles t-shirt for 160 baht. Sure I baht something else but it alludes me. Wish I had baht more but I’ll be back.

The polo’s are cheap in price and quality, not too mention played out. I want good quality and I’m totally over paying money to advertise for someone. We basically spend our cash to help grow someone bottom line being a walking billboard because we’re insecure and want to fit in. I’m soo over that. Also being blessed with wide shoulders relative to my size, the shirts were simply too tight in the chest area. I don’t get to say that everyday. I’m on the lookout for other good quality shirts. A work in progress if you will.

Later, the evening got crazy and it involved eating fried scorpions from a street vendor while drinking beer by the liter on Khao San Road. That parlayed into buying hats and shades from the “frog ladies’.  The scorpions were alright, mine was the last one, I think it may have had leprosy. Also eat crickets, some weird bug larvae and whatnot.  We basically eat everything in the picture above. I’ll have you know, I just may eat some again. Enlightening really. What do they taste like? Nothing you’ve ever had before, and the texture is a trip, cracking through it’s claws. Kinda like eating a lobster, the whole thing, shell and all.

Woke up this morning without my shades, that’s ok though they only cost me ~$3CDN. I’m starting to think about moving on, if not I *could* get trapped here indefinitely, forever, like so many old hippies wreaking of patchouli and donning dirty,dirty dreads.

I’m trying to get out of this guest house, it’s good and I have a “kings suite” for the whole ‘guest room” scene. It”s 500 baht a night but I want 350 baht a night which is same thing only a single bed instead of a double. Waste not, want not.

I checked out of this place in search of other lodging. Found one room for 200 baht a night, what a dump. I lay there, sweating profusely to see “what it would be like”, savings or no savings. NO WAY I could stay there. Also if a room does not have a window, don’t take it. Your life is worth more than ~100 baht savings should there be a fire.

At 4 am as we left an after-hours social of sorts, it started raining. It rained sooooo hard that it flooded the streets, I mean flood like half way up to your knees. Quite the peculiar place this is.

On the topic of bugs, I need a good nights sleep BIG TIME as it feels like i have a cockroach who laid eggs in my throat.

Stay tuned,

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