Travel Talk

Dreaming on Someone’s Piece of Paradise in the Caribbean

Good day,

Traveling the world is something many wish to do, particularly those who enjoy reading these entries. Another dream for many if not most is one day retiring / procuring a “piece of paradise” where you can grow old eating fresh fish and finally realizing that wish for warm weather. This morning on my way home from an uneventful round of golf at the LCIGBCC, came across an older gentleman I had become acquainted with a week or so ago…

This gent had purchased here years ago and was back on the scene to see what was new and start developing his dream. He had invited me to come by for a visit but had yet to take him up when myself and a friend came across him on our way home. We went back to his plot and began to take a look at what he had done and hear what he planned on doing. In the last week the place has made incredible progress from what I remember originally a few months ago when I first arrived on the island in December, 2011. We chatted and left with a large bag of star fruit picked from a mature tree on his property.

There is a peaceful feeling walking around someone’s plot, even if it isn’t your own. Staying in a hotel and enjoying the beaches as well as the bonfires is one thing, standing on a piece of property about to be developed is different. As much fun as it is to rest idle on an island, could see extreme satisfaction being taken in “cleaning up the yard”, burning the overgrowth, erecting up a large SHABLesque fence with vines and finally, building a fort. Inside such fort the BBQ would burn driftwood and grill barracudas the length of bazookas while a fire boils water filled with lemongrass and hours fresh lobster tails…

The sounds of the ocean would be ever present along with a wind just strong enough to chill the beads of sweat accumulating on one’s brow. The sounds of the rooster would awaken one at dawn and at night you’d be left alone with the stars which have never been more remarkable. Surely security would be an issue but that has always been the case and always will be for those who venture forth and develop once barren lands. Try and imagine it if you can, a small cabin no more than a 5 minute walk from beaches covered in white sand filled with interesting internationals shopping for a tan while fly fishermen try to catch all they can…

There is nothing wrong with dreaming, it’s what gets you places.

Tips hat,

P.S: Naturally, this is NOT the piece in question.

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