Travel Talk

Deep Sea Fishing in Koh Tao

fishing in koh tao thailand

Deep sea fishing was awesome in retrospect, I wish I caught more but it was definitely “worth it”. The one fish I caught was a good size and it tasted delicious, delicious. Left at 9:45, got back at 4:30.  Hit up a shoal a few miles off the island. If you want more action, I’d recommend you go on the night fishing trips, I’ve heard you catch more and it makes sense, most fish feed at dawn and dusk, yes?

After fishing, we brought our catch to our favorite restaurant, for 300 baht, they cooked it all, in many different styles. Something about having a shore lunch or dinner that is truly majestic.

Considering fishing was only $50 US or ~1600baht, which is cheap for deep sea, I highly recommend it. They take you out on a large boat, not some little long tail, everyone gets a rod and you use squid as bait.

The food is alright, I could of used more so buy some sandwiches at 7/11 and while you’re at it, buy a few beers, they are much pricier on the boat but then again, when in the middle of the ocean….

If I were back on Koh Tao an someone said “Want to go Deep Sea Fishing?” I’d say “sure”. Finally, our “captain” was one of the coolest, most energetic and happiest guys I have ever met.

Good day,

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