
Embrace the Randomness of Being in Transit


Being in transit is an interesting place, very similar to Frosh week in the first week of university for those with a personality. Ever notice how back home when you go about your daily grind, people seldom talk to each other? It’s as though “I live in city X, I have X friends and I’m on my way to work”. When you’re traveling and especially in transit, meeting people is incredibly easy and often rewarding…

Don’t expect to meet your wife / husband in transit but you may. Do expect to have countless candid conversations with people you’d never normally associate with for whatever reason. Also you never know when that person next to you may be right up your alley. Remember a time I got on a flight and they lady next to me was this beautiful British flight attendant from Dubai and she had amazing teeth, awesome. The worst was on my first overnight. I remember walking in and seeing this whale of a woman taking up almost 3 seats and began sweating. Luckily I was one seat behind her, unfortunately she had the wrong seat and before we took off she sat next to me. It was a red eye and sad to say that I slept on one of her rolls. A similar “good time” was my red eye from Ethiopia to Thailand, she was also large and very much “in charge” if that makes sense.

I think of this as I’ve just had random conversations with a few random people and it’s been nice. It’s like you are friends with nobody but distant acquaintances with everybody. More importantly, saw this intriguing lady getting on in Montreal and she was sitting right in front of me, this random dude got on and they hit it off. When I left I saw them walking and talking about getting a coffee together and who knows where it may end?

So you know, in the past 3 months I’ve been home, have met very few people. By meet people I mean exchange pleasantries, a laugh or shoot the shizzle for a few min while waiting in line or whatever. Whenever you’re on the road it’s just night and day. Maybe it’s Ottawa or maybe it’s that when people are at home and in work mode, they aren’t as open as when they travel? I’d say the latter.

Tips hat,

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