Travel Talk

Happy Easter From SHABL!

Happy Easter from SHABL, all the way from  Hoi An, Vietnam. You may or may not celebrate Easter and frankly, I don’t know what to believe and couldn’t care less either way. That said, I did grow up with the thoughts of some creepy Easter bunny gallivanting around my parents house like he owned the gawd d@mn place.

If we had teleporters, I’d be home for every major holiday, not that I care about the meaning behind them, just my parents make awesome food and my family are “great peoples”. I’d love to eat 2-3 helpings and then roll around on the floor in agony while my parents give me a primer on moderation, oh happy times. On the topic of overeating, Thanks Giving is my favorite holiday, why? It’s got all the family + food components but none of the mindless consumerism.

Last night I hung out with that Polish Lawyer again and enjoyed lengthy in depth conversation on a wide range of topics. The longer I’m away, the less interested I am in random backpackers, I like to meet people with ambition who are living / working towards their dreams. Not just people who are trying to drink their frugal faces off while sleeping in derelict like dorms and wear t-shirts from other places they’ve been or local beer companies… zZz ZzZ snore…

I like it here and making friends who work in town, as a result I typically always go to same restaurants, sugar cane stops etc… Also as a result, the prices are dropping as much as 50%, they give it to me then give me the “keep it quiet” signal.  Side note, dude who rented me the bike is some annoyed… I’ve been doubling and it warps the wheel. I told him “no problem” in Vietnamese, time to get that fixed.

Woke up early today, I’m off to run some errands, I can’t believe I just wrote that.

Tips hat,

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