Travel Talk

Visiting Your Grandma in Rehab?!?

Good day,

Writing this from my grandparent’s place outside of Boston, Mass. I couldn’t resist the title of “Visiting Your Grandma in Rehab” and by rehab I mean rehab like physiotherapy, not some crazy substance abuse problem, ha. Seriously though, when people get old, they start to fall and when they do it takes a while to get everything back in order, so to speak…

It’s weird walking through a nursing home, like nobody wants to be there. I’ve written before about how in the developing world, families take care of their old. In North America, it seems to be dumping them off in old folks homes, I’m grateful I have an incredibly caring aunt who still lives in he area and basically makes sure they are cool. I was talking with someone about it and they said, “If you don’t think your kids will care, this is as good as it gets!”

It still feels like the end of the road though and I also assume it’s expensive as heck. Everyone there seemed alright except one guy who reminded me of Ben Stiller’s character in Happy Gilmore. I gave him the eye of “you even do so much as look at my grandma wrong, we’re going to have problems”. He then let his head move back and gave me that open eyed look of “ok, gotcha, sir”.

Apart from this whole rehab stint which will hopefully be done soon, I’m enjoying the company of my family which is always good. I’m also suffering from reverse culture shock. I just keep looking at everything and I don’t feel like this is my scene. I’ve also become a bit of a food snob, eh a mango smoothie? Is it fresh mango? Oh, the lobster sandwich with perhaps 0.031 pounds of lobster for $9.99 – are you nuts?

Oh and I got a NEW iPHONE 4 for $150 from the Apple Store!

I’ve NEVER been a fan of apple at all, as a kid I loathed them and thought they were “silly” because you couldn’t get any good software aka Steve wouldn’t open it up. Now that’s changed, Apple is a solid company. Who else gives someone a new $650 phone (unlocked) for $150 even 180 days after the warranty was void? Also the phone had no hardware issues, just totally messed up software. That said, the “Genius” noted I was he easiest customer he’d ever had.

Tomorrow I’m flying to Montreal and then Ottawa after eating a breakfast with my uncle that is SURE to take a few minutes off my life via fat slabs of pork and half a dozen eggs in every style. That big announcement I have has been pushed back to next week due to legal reasons but know this, I have my tickets and it will be egregiously shablesque (sic).

The only thing certain is that you’re here NOW, do what you can while you can…

Tips hat,

P.S: If you glue a key back onto your keyboard, do it right, my computer is messed up!

P.P.S: Get well soon Grandma and LOVE YOU.

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