
Your Guide to a Good Night’s Sleep

A good night’s sleep is absolutely essential for everyone’s health, and there is nothing that can replace it. If someone does manage to bottle up a well-rested night, that will be the most sought-after potion on earth, but until that happens, setting yourself up for a decent night is the only option you have!

Some of these tips you probably will have heard before, but others might not have crossed your mind. Either way, this piece aims to present you with some solutions for the peaceful rest that you deserve.

Let’s get into it.

1)  Unwind Before Bedtime

Doing stimulating activities right up until the moment you have to hit your head on the pillow is not going to do you much good in terms of quietening your brain.

Contrary to popular belief, the blue light on your phone is most likely not responsible for keeping your brain whirring, and it is more likely the content you are consuming, such as watching a horror film in 20 parts on TikTok.

Whatever you choose to do before bedtime, make sure it is something that doesn’t rile you or your brain up; otherwise, you might find it a little more difficult to switch off.

2)  Invest in Your Bed

You spend about a third of your life in bed on average sleeping, and that doesn’t even take into account the Netflix binges or the times when you just need a lie-down. Because of this, it only makes sense that you invest in a bed that supports your body properly and gives you the right setup to get a great night’s sleep. Anything else, and you are just shortchanging yourself and your rest.

Get yourself a bed that you find hard to leave in the morning, and take a look at to find one to suit the space you have without compromising on quality.

3)  Get Up If You Can’t Sleep

It can be really tempting to watch the clock and work out how many hours you have left until you have to get up, but this is only going to wind you up in the long run. If you know you are going to carry on tossing and turning, the best thing you can do for yourself is to get up and do something else.

Go for a little walk around the house, read a book, have a cup of tea, get your brain somewhere else and let your body tire itself out a bit more. You can then go back to bed and try again after breaking the initial cycle. If you are going to be awake anyway, you may as well take yourself out of a frustrating situation.

4)  Quality Over Quantity

It can be easy to focus on the number of hours of sleep you are getting rather than the quality of the sleep in the hours. The truth is, REM sleep is the sleep that matters, and you can achieve that in every 90-minute cycle, so try not to panic if you haven’t had a lot one night!

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