Your Employees are Talking, Are You Listening?
Nowadays, in this changing and unpredictable work environment, companies are increasingly relying upon insights to get a feel for employees’ perspectives and whether any organizational changes are needed. After all, improving the employee experience has a positive ultimate effect on your company’s bottom line. Your employees are talking. But are you listening? Do you need help doing so? Read on.
The Issue
In case you haven’t noticed, the pandemic has upended nearly all business models. Everything is topsy-turvy, with your employees at the core of it all. In fact, according to a Mercer study, the pandemic has mostly affected the employee experience in several ways, mostly in terms of work flexibility, managing, or coaching employees you don’t see daily, hiring, onboarding, and working and collaborating in virtual or distributed networks.
The good news is that now is an opportunity to reset what you’ve been doing, and that includes doubling down on actionable insights.
What is Meant by Employee Insights?
Understanding what’s working – and what isn’t – might mean the difference between a content, engaged workforce and one that’s rife with expensive turnovers. Employee feedback provides solid data that give executives the confidence to take steps to improve the situation.
What are the Benefits of Gaining Employee Feedback?
Employee feedback:
- Establishes and maintain connections. If you want an engaged workforce, you want employees to feel like they can express themselves. If they do, chances are they’ll have your back.
- Allows you to woo and nab the right talent. With insights, you can lessen the turnover that can have a deleterious effect on your organization’s profits and culture.
- Bolsters employee engagement. Engaged employees give their all, speak well of the organization and stay with you.
- Helps you spot areas for improvement. Leaders can assess feedback and make changes before the issue turns into full-blown trouble.
What is “Employee Listening”?
Through such a practice, you can gauge and improve the employee experience, gain crucial insights, improve performance, and empower your company to make bold, evidence-based decisions. What’s more, the strategy can help your company with inclusion, equity and diversity efforts.
Why is Ongoing Listening Key?
The annual employee engagement survey isn’t going to cut it. For solid results, you’re going to have to “listen” throughout the employee lifecycle, including during important times such as life events, transitions, and onboarding. Listening on an ongoing basis helps you connect your employees’ disparate experiences with your company’s performance results and allows you to craft solutions and constantly improve said experiences.
How Can Mercer Help?
A human resources consultant for more than 75 years, Mercer combines economics and empathy to improve companies and communities. As such, its employee research looks at all aspects of the employee experience to help you better understand where your employees are coming from and to adjust your business accordingly.
Specifically, Mercer can help:
- Gauge what’s important. Mercer’s strategic listening programs marry the appropriate technologies with content and nimble technology.
- Provide employee insights. In addition to reports, dashboards, and data, Mercer provides actionable insights and integrative analytics.
- Drive action and change. The company’s strategies lead the company toward positive change.
So now you know what we mean when we ask whether you’re listening to your employees’ talking. You simply can’t make moves in a vacuum; you must find out what your employees are thinking, then act on it. But you need expert help. Simply put, Mercer’s “listening” program can do your company good.