Real Estate & Household

Where to Rent in Brooklyn: A Safety Ranking of the Top Neighborhoods

Are you already living in Brooklyn, or are you planning to relocate to Brooklyn? Whatever reason drives you to relocate to this beautiful city, you have made the right choice. In every place, finding the safest area is the top priority for everyone. Brooklyn is next to Manhattan; it’s one of the trending areas, with many incredible destinations.

However, even though the area is beautiful, one of the questions bugging people is whether it’s safe. Not only is Brooklyn fantastic, but it’s also among the safest places to live in New York City; but before we dive into the essential details, it’s important to understand not only the safest neighborhoods but also the areas you are supposed to avoid and how you can determine a safe place.

Top Neighborhoods in Brooklyn

Below is a list of the top safe neighborhoods in Brooklyn; the list is based on the level of crime, specifically the low violent crimes. As the source of information, we have used this article about the best Brooklyn neighborhoods.

1. Prospect Heights

If you are on a budget and are looking for a beautiful place to rent, Prospect Heights is the ideal solution. Most people living here are students, young professionals, and singles. The crime rate in this area is 71% lower compared to the national average rate. Prospects Heights has a fantastic neighborhood with many boutiques, coffee shops, restaurants, bars, etc. It’s close to the park slope, so you are sure to enjoy its atmosphere.

2. Bay Ridge

Whenever safe areas are mentioned in Brooklyn, Bay Ridge has to be one of the top ones. The crime rate in this area is estimated to be 5.9 violent crimes per 1000 people. Moreover, you can easily access mass transit and lit streets. It’s a community that is filled with many exciting places and people. It’s close to the New York City financial district, so if you work in that area, you will find it easy to move up and down. You will also find entertainment places nearby; restaurants, bars, boutiques, and more.

3. Brooklyn Heights

This area was previously called Brooklyn village. The neighborhood is filled with warmth and coziness, and the crime level is lower than the average rate. It’s estimated that among every 1000 residents, you will only find 21 non-violent crimes. Most of the people living there have been in the neighborhood for a long time; they have lived their entire lives here and for generations. Aside from the safety of this area, Brooklyn Heights is famously known for its art galleries, many churches, and many more.

4. Williamsburg

When we talk about safe places in Brooklyn, Williamsburg has to be on the top list too. Also known as Little Berlin, the crime rate is 34 per 1000 people and 305 per 10000 incarceration rate. The additional uniqueness of this place is the vibrant nightlife, various art exhibits, and many more. There is ethnic diversity in the area, thus making it a safe place to live.

5. Dumbo

The meaning of dumbo has been “Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass” for the past few years. Entrepreneurs have made Dumbo a nestling side for them; due to this alone, you can expect the security level in the place to be high. Averagely, you will find only 29 nonviolent crimes in every 1000 people annually.

6. Park Slope

This neighborhood is among the safest places to live in Brooklyn. Averagely, the city has 12 nonviolent crimes per 1000 residents. The site is clean, and the people are nice and friendly. Compared to the hustling nature of New York City, Park Slope is a quiet place with a laid-back vibe. The location houses many attractive places, like Washington Park, prospect park, an old stone house in Brooklyn, prospect park zoo, etc. The nightlife is also equally entertaining.

How to determine the safety of an area in Brooklyn

So here are some tips you can follow to ensure your safety in Brooklyn.

Contact crime map service

All crime map services are aware of the safety level of every area. They usually gather crime statistics and are always in contact with the police. You can find different crime mapping data with them, including the type of crime, the date, and the time it occurred. This will help you understand how safe the area is.

Check the number of rentals available

This factor will also help you figure out the number of available options you have. A neighborhood with a low crime rate will likely have people rushing. You should also check the rate at which people move in or out of place.

Check the place before moving in

If you are already in the city, exploring the neighborhood is best before you finally move in. This will help you understand the safety level of the environment and how well it’s maintained.

Speak with the locals

The locals know best what kind of environment Brooklyn is, so you will likely get a lot of information regarding the place from their mouths.

Explore social media platforms

If you aren’t living close to Brooklyn, your best information source is social media platforms. Social media groups will give you a lot of information you are looking for; you might even get people living in the area you wish to rent.


Even though it might be challenging to find the best and safe place to live in Brooklyn at an affordable price, that doesn’t mean they aren’t available. With the tips mentioned above, you can find a safe place where your mind will be at ease. Some features of a safe neighborhood include friendly neighbors, clean parking spaces, perfectly maintained transit, and many more.

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