
What To Expect From Full Body Mole Mapping

Skin cancer is a common form of cancer, especially in younger people who don’t take care of their skin out in the sun. Sun damage from UV rays can cause abnormal cancerous growths. The best indicators of these are new moles or changes to existing moles. The problem is that it isn’t always easy to spot these signs on our bodies. That is where full body mapping for skin cancer can help.

Why Is Body Mapping So Important?

Moles and skin damage shouldn’t be taken lightly. Anyone who notices new moles and raised areas of skin after time in the sun should seek advice. The best-case scenario is that you just have a dark freckle that’s totally benign.

The worst case is that the growth is malignant and a sign of skin cancer. The sooner you spot skin cancer, the easier it is to remove and treat. You will end up with less scarring and a much greater prognosis for the future.

It is also important to check any areas with existing freckles and moles where there is a change in their appearance. If they change shape, become raised, or develop a different texture, this could all be a sign of skin cancer.

Clearly, it is important for anyone worried about a mole or raised freckle to go and get them checked out. A full body mapping service goes further than some basic screening services to give you a better idea of your state of health. So how does it all work?

What Does A Full Body Mole Mapping Service Mean?

1) Full body scan from head to toe

As the name suggests, getting a full body scan covers a much wider area than some other screening options. There are services out there that take at specific areas of concern, and this can be the ideal option for anyone with a single mole or dark spot causing concern.

However, those who spend a lot of time in the sun and have marks across their bodies can benefit from the full-body treatment. Remember that these cancerous moles can appear on any part of the body exposed to the sun.

So, if you’ve spent too much time in the sun in a bikini or shorts, there could be questionable moles in areas you can see. A full body service lets specialists look at moles and freckles in those hard-to-reach places for a head-to-toe map of the body.

2) Photographing moles

Creating a beneficial skin map means creating photographic evidence of all the moles, freckles, and other dark spots on the body. It becomes like a literal relief map of the different areas of your body and its changes over time.

The photographs offer a clearer look at the shape, size, and color of these marks, highlighting any characteristics that could be cause for concern. Clients that take advantage of regular testing can also use these new scans like a before and after image.

This will showcase any changes in the marks since your last visit. Ideally, there should be no change at all. However, these side-by-side photos can detect abnormal growth and other unwanted developments.

3) Under-skin analysis

In addition to the photographs of these moles, you can also get some under-skin analysis. This is where these high-end mapping services go so much further than basic photography. It is all about uncovering further details we can’t see with the naked eye. You may have a freckle that doesn’t look like much on the surface and that you had pretty much ignored.

However, the deeper tissue analysis may show dangerous growth and abnormal cells underneath. Without this sort of accuracy and attention to detail, too many patients would leave not knowing they have the early signs of skin cancer. If undetected, it could develop into something much harder to treat.

4) Dermatological analysis.

All of these images on this complex map of your body will then go to a skilled dermatologist for further analysis. The technicians creating the images may have an idea that something isn’t right when they take the photos and scans and see the sun damage up close.

Yet, it isn’t possible to say anything for certain until a trained professional casts their eye over the images. They can highlight all the areas of concern and create their report on the matter.

5) Full report on the condition of the moles

All the findings and evaluations from the dermatologist go onto a full report from this full body skin cancer check. This breaks down all the problems and areas where you have the all-clear. Staff at the clinic will then use the recommendations and explanations in the report to guide you on the next stage of your journey.

The best mole Mapping services will explain everything with enough detail and visual references to be comprehendible, but also enough compassion and simplicity not to become too overwhelming.

What Happens Next?

The next step depends on the results from that final report. The best-case scenario is that you will get the all-clear. If this happens, not much needs to happen next. You can get an idea of the current state of the moles and sun damage and work to avoid further issues.

Take it as an opportunity to learn from past mistakes with better sun protection the next time you go out. Remember to avoid the sun during the hottest parts of the day, wear a strong SPF cream, and watch out for the UV index.

Some companies will also offer free spot tests within the next year to help you keep an eye on those existing moles and freckles.

If there is a problem with one of the moles, you need to look at your treatment options. Your care team should be able to provide referrals for biopsies, which are essential for determining any dangers.

Malignant moles will need further treatment to stop the cancer from spreading. You can also remove benign moles to lower your risk or just as a cosmetic option.

Don’t worry about the prospect of a cancerous mole until you know for certain that’s what you are dealing with. Until then, focus on getting the screening service you need for a closer look at your body and a detailed map of all your moles. That map could end up saving your life.

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