What Is Anxiety and How to Manage It
Everyone experiences anxiety at some point in their life. In fact, it is a normal emotion that helps us cope with difficult situations and make decisions. But when it becomes a frequent feeling, it can start to feel like an unwelcome companion. Let’s take a look at what anxiety is, its causes, and how we can manage it.

Anxiety Defined
Anxiety is an emotion characterized by feelings of worry and fear. It’s the body’s natural response to stress or danger, helping us take necessary precautions and find solutions to problems. When we are anxious for too long or too often, our bodies cannot tell the difference between regular stressors like deadlines or exams versus more serious threats such as potential harm from external sources. This leads to heightened physical symptoms such as rapid heart rate, difficulty breathing, sweating, trembling, and headaches that can be overwhelming.
However if you are experienceing consistent sweat especially on your hands, However, if you are experiencing consistent sweating, especially on your hands, make sure to check with your doctor to ensure that you are not suffering from hyperhidrosis.
What Causes Anxiety?
The exact cause of anxiety varies from person to person but there are several contributing factors including: Genetics and Family History, Stressful Life Events, Substance Use, Medical Conditions, etc..
Genetics and Family History
One cause of anxiety is genetics and family history; if you have a parent or relative who has been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, it’s likely that you may be more prone to developing them yourself.
Anxiety disorders are often hereditary and passed down through the generations, which means that understanding your family’s medical history is an important part of understanding your own risk for developing anxiety. If you think this might be a factor for you, it’s important to talk to your doctor about it.
Stressful Life Events
Stressful life events such as major changes in work, relationships, or health can trigger feelings of intense stress and anxiety. Stressful life events can cause both physical and emotional responses, including increased heart rate and difficulty concentrating or sleeping. Coping with difficult life changes can be tough; if you’re struggling with managing stress caused by a major change in your life, consider speaking to a therapist who can help you find ways to cope with it constructively.
Substance Use
The use of certain substances such as alcohol or drugs can also trigger feelings of anxiety; this is especially true when substance use becomes excessive or long-term. Substance use affects how your brain processes emotions like fear or worry; as a result, it can make it harder for you to control anxious thoughts or behavior when under the influence. If you think substance use might be exacerbating your anxiety symptoms, consider speaking to a doctor about treatment options for both issues at once.
Medical Conditions
Anxiety may also be linked to underlying medical conditions such as thyroid problems or chronic pain syndromes like fibromyalgia—in some cases, these conditions may even cause “secondary” depression or other mental health issues due to their effect on daily functioning and quality of life.
If you have been diagnosed with an underlying medical condition that is causing symptoms similar to those associated with anxiety disorders, speak with your doctor about ways in which they can help manage them effectively so they don’t worsen over time.
Managing Anxiety
Fortunately, there are many ways we can learn how to manage our anxiety in healthy ways so that it does not become overwhelming or interfere with our daily lives. First off, practicing deep breathing techniques can help regulate your breathing rate and calm you down if you feel overwhelmed by anxious thoughts or feelings. Exercise is also great for managing anxiety as it releases endorphins which have been shown to reduce stress levels significantly over time.
Finally, talking about your worries with trusted friends and family members can help provide perspective on difficult issues so that you don’t have to face them alone – this has been found to be especially helpful for people with social anxiety disorders who may find themselves struggling in large crowds or unfamiliar settings.
Anxiety affects us all differently but understanding what it is and how we respond to it will help us better manage our symptoms and lead healthier lives overall. By incorporating deep breathing exercises into our daily routines, exercising regularly, seeking professional help when needed, as well as speaking openly about our struggles with trusted friends and family members – we can better understand why we feel anxious while finding healthy coping strategies that work best for us personally!