Business Stuff

The Different Kinds of Financial Help for the Small Business

Starting a small business can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it also comes with financial risks. It takes time for small businesses to become established, often requiring an investment of both capital and resources to get off the ground. Then keeping a small business running is not easy when the economy can affect income and costs.

Fortunately, there are several types of financial help available for small businesses that can help entrepreneurs cover their costs during difficult economic times, such as ertc, or during a critical startup period. Both represent difficult times for a business. If we are to survive, we need to know all that we can claim. Nobody is guaranteed to tell us about all we are entitled to because it is up to businesses to find out if they have not heard it anywhere.

This article will consider the help that exists for those already in business and looking to survive, then feature a section on start-ups. Beyond that, it will look at other kinds of help a business can enjoy when money is tight. In terms of new business help, perhaps you have closed one business that was not viable and so trying a different venture.

However, if your business is still running, it is worth pursuing the help out there that is still available to claim post Covid-19 pandemic, as well as looking at other kinds of help out there to assist with budget and cash flow. Above all else, we still have staff wages to pay if we are to keep our best staff while we ride the storm.


ERTC is one of the biggest financial assistance packages available to small businesses. This is a fully refundable tax credit that is designed to help small businesses during difficult economic times with the costs associated with running their business, such as payroll and other operational expenses. You may have also heard it referred to as just ERC. It stands for employee retention tax credit.

Start-up loans

For those businesses just starting, and so do not qualify for the above, there are loans available for small businesses in start-up phases. We might have missed the worst of the Covid period but these are still difficult economic times with rising heating bills and costs of living.

Start-up loans are small business loans that are designed to help you get your small business off the ground. These loans can be used for a variety of purposes, such as buying inventory, hiring staff, or covering other startup expenses. So, if you need to start again with a completely different business, and so qualify as a start-up, this will be of interest to you.

Additionally, there may be additional financial assistance available from local and state governments in the form of small grants or tax breaks that small businesses can take advantage of. Let’s explore these next.

Grants and Tax Breaks

Local and state governments often offer small grants to small businesses in their area. These grants may be used for a variety of purposes, such as hiring new staff or purchasing equipment.

Additionally, small businesses located in certain areas may qualify for tax breaks, further reducing their operational costs. These are something else to look into as a business.

Finding financial help for small businesses can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right research and knowledge about tax credits, loans, grants, and tax breaks, small business owners can access additional funds that will allow them to expand their operations or make improvements in other areas of their business.

By understanding what types of financial aid are available, small business owners will have a better chance of finding the resources they need to grow or perhaps start their companies, from scratch or as a diversification. Don’t forget to look into all that is available that could provide some much-needed assistance with cash flow issues.

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