Remodeling Your Living Spaces – Mixing Old and New
You want your living spaces to reflect your interests and your personality. When it comes to remodeling your living spaces, you may want to mix the old with the new. You may not want to have your home full of flat-pack furniture.
You may want it to have soul and character. To achieve the right appearance, you must be confident, bold, and brave. You cannot have any doubt about what you are including in your remodeled spaces, or else you will find that this will negatively impact the finished look.
Consider How You Use Your Living Spaces
Before remodeling all areas, you need to think about how you currently use the spaces that you have. Are you getting the most out of your spaces? Or, do you think you could be using them better? Do you have to have space for all the family to relax in? Are you a fan of open-plan living spaces, or are you looking at a more formal dining area with a living room attached? When you are content with how you are using the spaces (or going to use them), you can then start the process of remodeling. If you proceed without having a plan or idea you want to work with, then you will end up with disjointed and mismatched spaces that feel chaotic.
Adding Old Artefacts and Collections
You may find that when you remodel you want to have new furniture. However, you may want to display old collections and artifacts that you have been collecting. Blending the two can sound challenging, but it doesn’t need to be. Religious pieces and artifacts that feature religious icons through the ages can be added to sideboards or dressers effortlessly. You can also find that they can be added to walls to create a focal point. Religious pieces of art and artifacts can liven up dull and bland furniture.
Introducing New Furniture
When you are purchasing new furniture, you may find that pieces are ultra-modern in comparison to older pieces that you have. Choosing pieces that you like and enjoy looking at is important. No matter the age of the furniture, it must be functional, and you must enjoy looking at it. If you do not enjoy looking at it, and it is simply functional, then you will never be able to get the right mix or balance between new and old.
Purchase One Piece at a Time
Just because you are remodeling living spaces, this does not mean that you have to do everything at once. You may find that adding one new piece of furniture, or one artefact at a time will allow you to create a space that you love and enjoy at a good pace.
If you rush the process, you may find that you end up with a space that doesn’t look or feel as good as you thought it would. This can be disappointing, and it can be a waste of time and money.