Travel Talk

Much of the Same in Bangkok


Bangkok is fun but getting old, I did that massive 200+ gig data transfer that I’m mailing home. I will mail it tomorrow with some post cards for my grandma. (She bought a book and collects them, she’s cute like that). I was going to upload a novel video but somehow it’s late once more and I’m here with another short update, use your imaginations, once more.

I could enlighten you in a “SAME SAME BUT DIFFERENT” type day but if you are a regular reader of this blog, you know what I’m up to , you know my “STYEZ” so to speak so no sense in regurgitating it. I need a new adventure, soon. I will say this, considering yesterday was “Martin Luther King Day” in the US, would have been a perfect travel day as the markets are closed and due for a bounce or a further drop, like I know.

I am also in the market for a professional camera man because this blog is very different in a cool type way, it needs to be highlighted as I find most travel blogs bore me, to no end.

Tips hat,

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