
Is Inpatient PTSD An Effective Treatment Option?

Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a very real issue that many people cope with. In fact, more than 3.5% of Americans in a number of age groups suffer from this often debilitating condition. Most notably, those who are affected by PTSD tend to be those who work in high-risk jobs like firefighting, military ground positions, police work and nursing. However, anyone who has suffered from a traumatic experience ranging from abuse to sexual assault can develop this condition. Fortunately, residential PTSD treatment can provide relief and a long-term solution.

What Does Inpatient Treatment Offer?

Inpatient PTSD treatment programs help individuals with intense after effects of trauma and offer residential care for patients. This option provides 24/7 support and programs to help you face challenges and achieve a state of recovery. Most patients stay for 30 to 90 days in our care. We address common triggers that include:

  • Assault as a child or adult
  • Terrorize attacks
  • Military combat
  • Life-threatening accidents, injuries or illnesses
  • Secondary trauma
  • Natural disasters
  • Loss of a loved one

Our compassionate providers understand how damaging that trauma can be to someone’s well-being and have the experience to provide treatments proven to be effective.

Common Effects of PTSD

The effects of PTSD are different for everyone and some can have one or more symptoms that impact the quality of daily life and sleep. The most common symptoms of this condition may include:

  • Nightmares and sleep tremors
  • Depression
  • Anger
  • Guilt
  • Eating disorders
  •  Paranoia
  • Challenges regulating emotions
  • Issues maintaining stable relationships
  • Dissociative symptoms
  • Pseudo hallucinations
  • Difficulty feeling or expressing emotions
  • Problems maintaining employment
  • Substance abuse
  • Agoraphobia
  • Social phobias
  • Thoughts of self-harm, suicidal thoughts or attempts

Our program addresses these issues and helps develop coping skills.

Disorders That May Co-Occur With PTSD

There are several typical co-occurring disorders that come along with PTSD. As many as 80% of those diagnosed with this condition have one or more additional disorders to address. These can include the following.

  • Bipolar disorder
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Adjustment disorders
  • Major depression
  • Personality disorders
  • Alcoholism
  • Dysthymia
  • Substance abuse issues

We provide the necessary treatments and approaches to resolving both PTSD and these conditions.

What You Can Expect from a Residential Treatment Community

A residential community allows you time to get away from the stressors of real life, which can promote healing and recovery. Our treatment programs are designed to meet the unique needs of each client. The time you stay depends on the severity of your condition and how well you respond to treatment while providing you with the support to manage and recover from your symptoms and develop a management program. While most only stay 2 to or three months, we offer longer stays for those struggling.

Our structured program includes group and private therapy sessions. We may recommend medications to ease certain symptoms or holistic treatments, such as equine therapy, fitness classes, meditation, yoga and art therapy. You will receive ample support from a team of experienced professionals and will be joined by others who understand what you are going through. Our mission is to send you home feeling stronger and better equipped to cope your condition.

Considering Residential PTSD Treatment?

If you have been struggling with PTSD long-term, stop the suffering with in-patient treatment and full-time mental care and drug rehab in Oklahoma City. You can enjoy your mornings watching the sunrise from our common porch to relax and soak in the sights. We offer equine therapy sessions, have a pool and go on outings to the zoo and other popular sights. Our community also provides nutritious healthy meals three times daily, along with group outings, counseling and a specialized approach. Contact us for a free consultation at Country Road.

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