Real Estate & Household

How to Get a Top Designer Finish on Your Vacation Rental Property

There are many reasons why you would want to create a top designer-level finish on your vacation rental property. For a start, you’re more likely to get a higher rental fee from your guests as well as the property being in high demand. Another reason is that it will improve the value and desirability of your property overall and therefore make it a good and sound investment if you ever choose to sell.

Of course, to get this right, it’s going to need some research so you know what designer features you want to add, and a strict but achievable budget to be drawn up to put it all in place. When going about your planning, however, you’re going to want to take some important factors into account — and cutting corners on just one of them could mean you spoil the effect of the whole property.

1. Price doesn’t always equal quality

It’s important that you understand the difference between what an acceptable cost is and when you could just be paying over the odds. To do this, you should make sure that you have ample time to shop around and obtain multiple quotes for the work that you require. When looking at kitchen or bathroom installations, research the products that are going to be used to ensure that you’re not paying top dollar for low-grade materials.

2. Hire professionals to perform the work

In order to get the best finish in your vacation rental property, you should choose to have every stage worked on by a professional rather than trying to save money and do it all yourself. This is because the professionals are highly experienced at what they do, should have the relevant insurance coverage (although you’ll have to check this with each one), and they’ll provide you with a much better finish. This, of course, will let you play the part of the project manager to make sure that everything comes together to acheive your desired effect.

3. Don’t skimp on the finishing touches

Undoubtedly to finish the look completely, you’re going to need some extravagant designer features; whether these come with a matching extravagant price tag is up to you and your budget. Incorporating bespoke mirrors into your vacation rental property can open up a space, reflect light, and create a wow factor in just about any room of the house. Many top hotels use mirrors for just this reason as they can transform even the dullest of spaces and have them look amazing, classy, and stylish.

So, a few final thoughts

It’s important that you don’t get too carried away with your vacation rental property project. Where possible, create a mood board for each area of the property and include pictures of the look that you’re trying to achieve, along with the furniture and finishing touches that you’d like to incorporate. This will help to keep you focused and lessen the likelihood of you getting distracted by expensive and unnecessary purchases that weren’t in your original plans, therefore helping to keep your project within budget.

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