Finding Walmart Clearance Deals: Save that Moo-lah!
Did you know that, in the United States, the average household spends around $4,600 a year on groceries? If you’re like most American families, you’re spending nearly 400 bucks a month on groceries yourself each month.
If you want to cut back on spending, knowing how to find clearance deals is a must. Below we’ve broken down 7 budget-friendly shopping tips that you can use to make sure you don’t break the bank while shopping for necessities.
So, keep on reading if you want to know everything that there is to know about finding clearance deals online, making smart purchases, and following a budget today.

Look for Good Deals Online First
Even if you like to do your shopping in person, it’s always a good idea to look for deals on items you need online first. That way you can have an idea of what something is going to run you before you ever step foot in a store to purchase it.
This will also help you find clearance deals, or other specials, as you’ll be able to do price comparisons with other stores on the web. That way you can make sure that, before you go to purchase something locally, you know that you’re getting the best deal on that item.
Browse Other Stores Online for Price Comparisons
To piggyback off of that last point, it’s always a good idea to price check for certain items before you make a purchasing decision. After all, you may find that an item that is on sale is actually available for a better price from another retailer.
A pro tip? Get a pen and paper, or the notepad app on your phone, and write down these prices on your phone. That way you have something that you can look at to make sure that you get the best deal possible on whatever it is that you’re shopping for.
Fator in Your Shipping and Handling Costs
If there’s one thing that you can accidentally spend too much money on, it’s shipping and handling. This is especially true when you’re purchasing bigger items online, as oftentimes retailers will charge more for shipping and handling and less for the actual item itself.
When you’re doing your price check, be sure to include shipping and handling in that final price that jot down. Failure to do so could lead to you spending a great deal more on shipping and handling, thus balancing out whatever deal you found online.
Also, if you’re looking for a budget-friendly way to shop online, ask about cheaper shipping options. Some retailers may be willing to work with you on prices, which is a plus, as long as you don’t mind slower arrival times for your goods.
Choose In-Store Pickup for Online Purchases
Perhaps the best way to avoid shipping and handling costs is to pick up your online orders in stores yourself. Doing this is easy for larger chain stores, like Wal-Mart and Target, and again, can save you a ton of cash in the process.
For smaller stores or single online sellers, this might not be an option. But taking advantage of this option when you can, and saving a few bucks on shipping and handling, will add up rather fast.
Browse Various Stores for Deals In-Person
If you have the time to do so, it’s never a bad idea to browse stores in-person for deals that may not be listed online. Sometimes you can get something at a great price because the box has been damaged, which isn’t something you’d see online shopping.
A pro tip? Be careful not to get too wrapped up in buying things just because they are on sale. It’s easier to be sold something you don’t really want or need in person, which is why we recommend you have an idea of what you’re looking for ahead of time.
Have a Budget Set Beforehand
Another budget tip that you can use to prevent yourself from overspending has to do with actually having a budget in the first place. After all, if you know how much money you can and are willing to spend, you make it that much harder for yourself to overspend.
Again, we recommend that you write down this budget so you can actually see the numbers that you’re working with. That, plus writing down prices, will help ensure that you stay on budget when you’re shopping.
Only Purchase the Items That You Need
We talked about this earlier, but it’s worth mentioning again just how important it is to have a shopping list at all times. This will prevent you from buying something only because it’s on sale, and thus, not really saving any money when you shop.
Again, doing this is as simple as writing down what you’re looking for, or need, before you start shopping. Be sure to have that list on you at all times, too, so you don’t get carried away by accident.
Still Not Sure How to Find the Best Clearance Deals Online?
As you can see, knowing how to find the best clearance deals isn’t too complicated. As long as you put in the time and effort, and keep these 7 tips in mind, you should be able to shop and save at the same time.
Want to save even more? Looking for more budgeting tips and tricks? Check back with our blog daily for tons of useful ideas and information that you can use to save some cash.