
Energy Revolution: Powering Sustainable Success for Leisure Centres

Making more sustainable choices won’t only reduce your carbon footprint, but it’s also a strategic business move. Join the energy revolution, and you’ll start saving money while simultaneously protecting the environment. Not sure how to do this? I’ll explain:

Utility Bidder’s services can benefit small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Their services have helped over 90,000 businesses save up to 45% on electricity, gas, and water rates. Finding the best rates can be time-consuming, so why not leave it to the professionals? 

The Need for Sustainable Energy Solutions in Leisure Centres 

To understand why incorporating sustainable energy solutions is so important, let’s talk about what a leisure centre is. These centres are community spaces that house facilities like gyms, swimming pools or sports halls. All these spaces require a lot of electricity to power the equipment and even just the lights. 

Leisure centres should look into renewable energy sources and incorporate water conservation. As they often play crucial roles within a community, they have the chance to lead by example. Therefore, making the transition to more sustainable solutions will have not only financial benefits but also benefits for the community and environment. 

Challenges Faced By Leisure Centres

Unaffordable energy tariffs have become a massive concern among SMEs, according to the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC). During a survey they conducted, nearly half reported difficulties in affording energy bills post-government support ending March 31, 2023, with a few businesses claiming that they won’t be able to manage at all. 

Having worked with various UK businesses of all sizes and from different sectors, Utility Bidder is familiar with all the challenges these SMEs might face. What does this mean for you and your business? That we’re experts in overcoming them. 

Implementing Sustainable Practices

Apart from switching to a more affordable supplier, Utility Bidder offers suggestions on how your leisure centre can become more sustainable. 

Investing in renewable power sources might seem daunting at first. Still, since leisure centres need a lot of electricity to power the lights alone, it’s a highly recommended step towards sustainability. 

Solar is one of the most popular options, but you can read up on many more renewable energy sources

By minimizing the use of resources and focusing on energy efficiency, even architecture has taken a massive step towards sustainability in how buildings are designed. 

BREEAM (Build Research Environmental Establishment Assessment Method) was launched in 1990 and focuses on evaluating the design of a building. This evaluation is based on water, pollutants, materials, waste, etc.

The goal is to create low-impact designs that promote energy efficiency and sustainability. So, if your leisure centre is still being constructed, it’s highly recommended that you ensure it’s according to BREEAM standards. 

UK Utility Bidder’s Solutions for Sustainable Energy 

The best part is that Utility Bidder has immediate access to most energy providers in the UK. You won’t need to wait for days to hear back from them. By comparing various market prices for water, gas and energy, they’ll find the best price for your SME. 

And it doesn’t stop there; Utility Bidders will go the extra mile to learn more about your business to tailor their services accordingly. They understand that no two companies are alike and should be treated as such. 

Powering sports centres can generate massive electricity bills, but with Utility Bidder’s solutions for powering leisure centres, you can reduce this bill by up to 20%.

Extra Tips: How To Use Utilities Efficiently in Leisure Centers

Even though you can save money by finding the best rates, you must also do your part to use utilities more efficiently. 

To save on electricity bills:

  • This might seem obvious, but bite that bullet and swap all your old-fashioned light bulbs for eco-friendly LED ones; you won’t regret it. 
  • Keep your central heating system from working overtime. Warming up the centre uses energy, so don’t waste it by letting the heat escape or chilly draughts in. Ensure the building has proper insulation and visitors don’t leave doors open for too long. 
  • Save money when it comes to heating your pool by investing in a pool cover. 

To save on water bills:

  • Installing automatic taps will help save a lot of water in the changing rooms. 
  • By educating visitors on water conservation and implementing showering time limits, the centre can simultaneously reduce water wastage and save money. 

Case Studies: Success Stories

A recent Utility Bidder customer, Dave Grimley, treasurer of HHRFC, was able to save the rugby club a significant amount of money on their gas and electricity bills. He was impressed with the ease and speed of the process and the considerable cost savings.

Before Utility Bidder, his existing provider quoted him a price increase from £3,340 to £5,245. Finding better deals was a tedious process.

Fortunately, he contacted the Utility Bidder. Dave ended up saving £1,905 on the annual gas and electricity bill. Thanks to the fast, easy and accurate process, Dave can’t recommend Utility Bidder enough to other sports clubs and charities. 

As if that’s not enough, another happy customer from a football club scored a touchdown on energy costs with our help. Facing high gas bills, Kidderminster Harriers FC partnered with Utility Bidder to secure a new 3-year energy contract. The result? A surprising £11,040.72 was saved, leaving the club wishing they’d made the switch sooner. 

This strategic move not only reduced expenses but also provided cost certainty and potentially improved energy efficiency. 

Understanding Utility Bidder

It might sound too good to be true, but it isn’t. Utility Bidders prioritize the needs of your business, no matter the size. They’re committed to your success and offer professional advice and guidance to get you there. 

Their expert team compares and finds the best gas, water and electricity rates on the market. They’ve built an impressive reputation within the UK as a service that will go above and beyond to get the best results. 

Why do leisure centres need Utility Bidder’s help?

Not having the knowledge required to understand utility bills is a common issue. Someone running a sports centre might know less about electricity rates than they do about football rules. Their lack of knowledge might lead to you paying ridiculous amounts that might be incorrect at the end of each month. 

Running a leisure centre is time-consuming, too. Not having the time or resources to research prices can be detrimental and cost the leisure centre more at the end of each month. Finding the time to conduct the research can be challenging, but ensuring you’re using money wisely (or energy) is crucial. That’s where Utility Bidder steps in and saves the day.

Final Thoughts On The Energy Revolution 

In Leisure Centres’s quest for sustainability and efficiency, Utility Bidder is the player you want on your team. Your sports centre will come out on top with its knowledge and support. Leisure centres exist to promote healthy lifestyles, relaxation and community; these beliefs should be evident in how they operate.

Furthermore, leisure centres are spaces where youth often spend their downtime. Not only is this a significant time in their day to unwind, but as we all know, young people are easily influenced. If they are exposed to sustainability and environmentally friendly habits from a young age, they will carry this over into adulthood. That is why these centres are responsible for leading the energy revolution by example within their communities. 

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