Cargo Ships in the Caribbean Night
Good day,
Above is workers unloading a cargo ship on Little Corn Island, Nicaragua. Not much has changed of late in the method and manner these people are doing this task, yes? The dock was quite busy with the above as well as myself, another gentlemen and a few kids fishing. The kids were catching lots of small bait which I in turn was paying a cordoba a fish to go for barracuda, nothing was caught. Let’s be real though, if one of those monsters did bite on to my line attached to a coke bottle…
Oh yeah, that was the boat I took from El Bluff to Big Corn, FYI. Found out that once a week they do the Corn Islands direct to El Rama route which is perfect should the plan being developed in SHABL Labs fail. Regrettably the plan hit a most monstrous roadblock of sorts lately. That said we’re as determined as ever to make things work for reasons unknown to most, maybe even ourselves.
Climbed the transmission tower today, more on that later…
The weather is warm and thick this January evening on Little Corn.