Travel Talk

Busy Days & Busier Nights in Buenos Aires, Argentina



I’m writing this from Buenos Aires on yet another day as hot as the one before. I’ve been busy working hard by day and hitting the streets and nightclubs even harder by night; what a city this is and it truly never sleeps. To say this place is always busy would be an understatement and I’m staying on Avenue de Mayo aka right in the city center and today, even saw my first protest.

So I’m sitting here doing this and that when I walk out onto the street. I hear this massive gun shot sound which turned out to be a blank or something and there is a big political protest gathering near the Congreso Nacional. I did some reading and supposedly when protests go down that’s the march down Avenue de Mayo to Plaza de Mayo. All I can say is that the energy and feeling was pretty intense and not something I’d ever experienced.

I will note that out of basic safety, if you see protests happening it’s a good idea to watch your stuff. It’s a big distraction and big mobs attract all types. I watched it for a bit before retiring to take the photo above from some patio. I’ve been in Palermo basically every night this week and I love it; I should just live there maybe? That said, I’m in central now and something about living in the real core of the city that gets me every time.

I found out about this group called Mundolingo which has meetings all over Buenos Aires and I’m hoping the world. It’s a group where people who speak more than one language get to hang out and well, speak different languages. It’s also not what I thought as I knew I’d meet a few cool people but I actually met tons. Also my Spanish is now at basic aka I am making moves on being trilingual which is something special, I do believe.

My current level is nowhere near perfect and slightly laughable but it’s a start and it got me thinking about why even go for perfect? The whole point of a language is to be able to communicate with people. The finer you tune it, the more you can be understood for complex problems but realistically how many people out there do you need to get into deep meaning of life conversations with, yes?

To say I like this city would be a serious understatement and I have a feeling I’ll be here for a little while longer, maybe even into the new year. That said, anything is possible and if I don’t settle down here it’s high time to get a move on. I’ve done lots but often don’t have my camera. This morning I watched the sunrise from a rooftop on 9 de Julio aka the largest avenue in the world while having one of those travel moments where you realize you’re seeing something most aren’t privy to.

I’d go on but I’m in the mood for some pizza or sushi, or both?

Oh yeah, something big is in the works for mid January; stay tuned.

Tips hat,

P.S: Having issues finding a dentist for the price local friends quoted me.

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