3 Ways Business Leaders Can Make Employees Feel Secure
Every business leader knows that getting the best performance from employees is directly connected to how they feel on the job. When they feel motivated and connected to their purpose, they work harder because they’re genuinely eager to get results.
If employees feel detached from their work, they may not put in the same level of effort. Of course, keeping employees safe is vital for obvious reasons, but that it also helps the bottom line only reinforces the point.
Let’s check out three ways business leaders can make employees feel secure.
1. Proximity Cards
Proximity cards are like the keycards hotel guests use, except their technology has improved vastly over the years, which is why they’re so popular among public and private institutions now. Basically, companies can print proximity cards in-house for each employee that will only open doors for rooms and spaces they’re authorized to access.
That way, companies retain granular control over employee access while employees know that nobody else can enter their workspace. Today’s leading proximity card supplier issues different forms of proximity cards, like key fobs, HIDs, composite ones, and more.
2. Long-Term Job Security
The phrase “job security” usually refers to an employee’s confidence that the company will employ them for the long term. Executives and managers often get higher pay and even company shares or some other form of equity in the company to ensure they feel connected to the business — if the business does well, so will they.
Lower-level employees don’t usually receive executive compensation or equity. Unless they’re passionate about the job or extremely motivated for some other reason, they may feel disconnected from the work they do.
Most companies can’t afford to pay everybody what they pay business leaders, but they can create a positive culture where managers realistically express their long-term expectations and forecasts to employees. At the very least, work cultures which use termination as a threat or cudgel to get more from employees is toxic and must be avoided.
3. Feedback and Support
People thrive in structured environments, and employees are no different. Employees want to know when they’re doing a good job and when they need to improve or change their approach.
Employees who receive feedback feel like they are a part of something, and this helps provide a sense of security. If an employee is siloed off and doesn’t receive regular feedback or support, they may feel dispensable.
If they’re doing a good job, make sure they know! If they need to improve and change something up, ensure they get the right help. That way, not only will they perform better, but they’ll also feel like they’re growing their skills. Nobody wants to plateau at work and feel like all their days are the same — that’s a recipe for numbness, which doesn’t exactly foster security.
Security in the workplace means many different things at the same time. There’s physical security, digital security, and even psychological security. Try to keep these different meanings in mind, and your teams will feel more stable and secure at their job.