Travel Talk

Bender in Berlin – Home of the Hipsters


Not going to bore you with the train details, I will do some vanilla update on that another time. I did meet a cool lady from Switzerland, her son “Super Mario” and a chill guy from India. Tip of the hat, thanks for making that overnight a good time. Trip took 22 hours, walk in the park now. For some reason waiting at a red light going to work would cause me more stress then a trip like that.

What is a Hipster? (#4 is hilarious)

Berlin is sweet and a very cool city. I is definitely “home of the hipsters” though. I didn’t even know what a hipster was until coming here. It’s funny, hipsters are well, hip? What is hip though? I kinda see “hipsters” as glorified goths. They refuse all mainstream but then dress in the same clown outfits. I’ll take a pair of tight pants, green shoes, a faded fedora and some thick glasses oh wait and a gift card to American Apparel.. Oh, let us accessorize with some sweet bracelets, body mods and tat’s in all the right places. hahaha. Also, I’m not sure if these homofied hipsters are really “hip” or straight up gay. Either way, whatever.

The club scene here is great. Just walk down the street, anywhere, you’ll find a good time. I met my Czech lady friend here, she left for Croatia today. Also ran into a sick spin of hostel roulette. 3 cool brothers from Oklahoma, a quality mate from Australia and a lady from Brazil. We chilled as a group and it was a good group. A group you chill with and aren’t wondering what other lawns are like, if that makes sense. Good spin, thank you magic roulette wheel!

Missed my train to Zurich, if I didn’t have that eurail pass would have looked into flights to Berlin. As always,  got too “into da web” and then realized 2 minutes before and hustled, pants almost falling off as they are stuffed with adapters and my death cough echoing through the graffiti halls of the Slovenian train station. I get there, no train… Turns out the train was 15 minutes late, sweet.

I thought I lost my Eurail pass today, had a mini aneurysm or heart attack or both? I will hate on that pass and praise that pass but once you lose it, Europe is NOT your oyster. Imagine paying every time you wanna go somewhere? Just get it out of the way and “ride the rails” in a most egregious fashion. I went from Budapest to Lake Bled to Berlin for FREE. Not free but just stepped into first class, stretched out and passed out. Recommended despite sometimes hating, I’m a fan.

I have grandiose plans for September but not sure what is gonna happen, tbh. That said, grandiose plans are meant to occur and those who claim “grandiose”  is unrealistic often have never baked a sick deliciously decadent cake and eat it too, no they probably have not.

The Berlin wall is a good time. Apart from that I have not done any touristy stuff, we all know I basically loathe touristy stuff and I’m not into it. I try but I just can’t get into it, it’s not my bag baby as Austin would say. My father and I had a good joke about Ottawa on a weekday, there are double decker tour buses and we’re like “What are they showing them?” Probably statues and monuments that local people don’t notice, same around the world.

Was eating breakfast with this crew when a walking tour came by, for 0.234 seconds we were interested, also some friends almost got sucked into a 200 person pub crawl, again, didn’t happen. We found this sick club (ehh lots here) near a graffiti museum. The museum is cool, the club / bar / outside chill area has a great feel too it.

Tonight, I’m meeting a lady friend from Finance class, or was it organizational behavior? Who cares. She’s cool and we went to University together. She’s also an entrepreneur so I’m sure we will have stimulating conversation over sushi. I love sushi,  had some for breakfast fyi.

Thinking about the direction of this blog, getting sick of adding photos and writing about daily doings in a really vague PG13, I think my mom reads this blog type manner. I have big plans but talk is cheap and therefor I’ll just shut up and show you or I won’t. In Asia I chilled places, now I’m always on the go, better things to do and the community here sucks. Lots of readers but you guys are like people I had in my classes growing up, nothing to add, boring. Are we living in the ‘death of opinions” era?

I’d link to some music but I can only find commercial crap. All the music I hear in clubs around the world are great but it’s DJ’s I’ve never heard of playing songs I could never remember in venues I wish I could revisit, such is life.

Finland should be fun.

The Swiss people I’ve met have all been great.

From my perspective and experience, Europe is full of “LIFE”.

Did laundry today, never been this long, OVERDUE.

Berlin can be cheap or expensive. Hostels are $$$$.

You can’t but you can drink on the street, tested it thoroughly.

Cough is manageable, thanks to those I descended from for being “core”.

Jagr and beer are cheap, get amongst it. Jagr is a great cough syrup.

Tips hat,

P.S: If you do not action anything when paypal limits your account for 45 days, it stops accepting payments. I was wondering why I wasn’t receiving any magical internet money. Had a talking to with them today, oh well stress kills not worth stressing over, now you know, yes? Luckily someone emailed me saying they were trying to pay or I’d still be scratching my head being like “did demand just die down”? On the topic of “demand” I sold my POT shares today, until Potash prices rise, no way a company with horrible fundamentals like POT should be trading where they are. Thanks to whomever bought my shares for a cool 15% gain. Enjoy them? hahah

Search Du Jour?: “Best Resort in Algarve for Lesbians” – Result, here.

That’s right, come to SHABL for all your Lesbian resort info!

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