Real Estate & Household

Avoid These 5 Mistakes When Selling Your Home

Whether you’ve lived in your home for more decades than you can remember, or it’s only been a matter of months, there comes a point in many homeowners’ lives where they decide it’s time to sell up and start afresh. Regardless of the reason behind the move, you’ll need to get your home ready for potential buyers and ultimately, get it sold.

Unfortunately, there have been many homeowners in the past that have made costly blunders during this process. To stop you from falling into the same traps, here are some mistakes you must avoid when selling your home.

Sold Home For Sale Sign in Front of New House

Not Exploring Your Options

When it comes to selling a house, many people believe that their only option is to go through the process with an estate agent. While estate agents are great for spreading the word about your property and luring buyers in, it isn’t your only option. In fact, you can check out Hull Cash Buyers who buy homes in Hull and the East Yorkshire region. They will set a price for every home they see. Those looking to sell quickly may wish to go down this route.

Setting an Unrealistic Asking Price

We get that your home is your baby. You may have spent a ton of money-making improvements over the years to get it up to your liking. With that said, you’ll want to set an asking price you believe your house is worth. However, this may come back to bite you. Setting an unrealistic asking price is asking for trouble. It’s important to get several surveyors in to value your home and stick to the price they predict. If you don’t, you may have great difficulty getting your property taken off your hands.

Cutting Corners on Photo Quality

Just about everyone seems to have a smartphone nowadays. While we don’t doubt the latest iPhone or Samsung model can take fantastic photos, when it comes to selling your property, it’s always best to bring in a professional photographer. Someone with the right experience can portray your home in the best light and get buyers interested. If you cut corners and take photos yourself, you could be doing your property a disservice.

Hiding Major Problems

If you think you can get away with hiding extensive problems in your property, think again! This is because any issue will be unveiled during the buyer’s inspection. It’s wise to fix the problem before you put your home up for sale. Whether it’s a leak in the loft or a problem with your gutters, it’s always best to get it sorted in advance.

Selling During the Winter

You may not believe it, but there’s a right time to sell during the year. During the winter months, this tends to be a slow time of year for selling properties. This is because we’re all busy with social engagements and getting ready for Christmas. The best time of year to sell is during the spring and summer.

Once you make the decision you’re ready to sell your home, we appreciate you’ll want the process to run seamlessly. For this to happen, you need to know what mistakes to avoid. Taking all the above into account will help you know what actions to take and most importantly, get your home off the market.

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