Travel Talk

A Communist Party in Odessa, Ukraine


Had these grandiose delusions of making a brilliant photo essay of all the shots I’ve collected in Odessa, Ukraine. Supposed to go to Moldova, Crimea or Georgia tomorrow, still undecided. Maybe decisions are for parents, principals or married people? Realistically, I’ll wait for a sign of sorts, like a luxury edition Lada en route to a lunar landing or well dressed gorillas running red lights in clown cars.

The reality is that there is a COMMUNIST PARTY occurring in Odessa, Ukraine tonight.  Odessa nightlife is great and this will be a solid warm-up. A somewhat special gentlemen is celebrating a birthday and all sorts of classy characters from around the globe will be making appearances. The attendance list is growing fast but so far delegates from the USA, Russia, Mexico, Ukraine, Finland, Denmark and Canada will be attending; dressed in red with vodka bottles in hand and migraine pills in their back pockets.

Tips hat,

P.S: I bought some more gold stocks today, gawd help my soul.

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