Thoughts of the travel variety…
I sit here in a chair quite different than that photographed above, pondering my next move. Must make it to Istanbul by the 11th of July for an important date that will be revealed in the not too distant future, where to next is the question?
There is the option of Moldova, Romania and whatnot until back into Bulgaria and so forth OR catch a ferry across the Black Sea to Poti, Georgia? No sooner than the thought crossed my mind did some French gents swell with enthusiasm that they had planned it but cannot swing it.
They have given me all the info including where and who to talk to in Odessa to make it happen. This is no cruise ship but a legit cargo ship. The trip is 48 hours at sea and of a most egregious nature.
What are your thoughts?!
Back track or jump on a cargo ship across the Black Sea?