
Finding Free Wifi at Airports


To find free wifi at any airport, take out your trusty ipod touch or iphone. Look for networks. See if ANY network is a restaurant or coffee place. In Phuket, Thailand, Burger King has one. Other people I met paid ~200baht or $6.50US for 1-2 hours. I went to Burger King asked if I could use the wifi if I bought a burger, they slipped me the code. I didn’t even buy anything.

Try this at the next airport you hit up, you’d be surprised, yes?

I’m off to Bangkok and looking forward to a) getting a cheap room and b) getting some good food on the street at about 1AM so in a few hours.

Good day to you,

P.S Ran into a friend from Bali at the airport, it’s a SMALL WORLD.

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