10 Reasons To Pursue Counseling As A Career Choice
The pandemic brought mental health concerns back to our collective attention and made us realize the apparent lack of professionals to deal with these problems. Statistics indicated that even before COVID, one-fifth of Americans suffered from mental health issues.
It seems that a career in counseling can help students advance their careers in the health industry today. One can state several benefits of pursuing counseling as a career choice, but this article will merely discuss ten reasons why an individual may choose to become a counselor.

It’s an evergreen profession with different paths open for anyone looking for career advancement opportunities.
Why should you become a counselor?
Disregarding the myth, counselors don’t just treat addicts and other patients with several mental illnesses. They serve patients suffering from all forms of issues. Thus, you may help people overcome grief, phobias, anger issues, eating disorders, and other health problems. Some counselors work with children, while others help couples resolve their problems.
Now, let’s discuss some benefits of becoming an educated counselor in 2022. Read the following points carefully and determine your future objective:
1. Get degrees online
Counseling-related academic qualifications can now be obtained easily online. Distance learning has made studying convenient for students who are already working professionally. Some students feel worried about their GRE scores.
Well, you can get a masters in psychology online no GRE is required from several reputable institutes. Become a counseling psychologist after graduating and enter this profession fully prepared. Study as per your schedule and save money on commuting.
2. An in-demand career
The shortage of doctors has become well-documented nowadays. Everyone knows that the country right now faces a lack of healthcare practitioners. So, it shouldn’t surprise you that we need more counselors in the future.
Even in distant countries such as Australia, they predict an urgent rise in employment opportunities for mental health counselors. Students can have high hopes too of landing a fine job after graduating. Just remember to keep gaining experience to improve yourself.
3. Financially rewarding job
Your salary depends mainly on two factors, i.e., the state where you practice and the kind of counseling you provide. For instance, Californian counselors earn handsome salaries and are well-paid individuals.
Similarly, pediatric counselors are some of the most financially-rewarded people in this profession right now. However, based on different estimates, an average counselor’s salary is between $48,000 and $68,000.
4. Protection from recessions
Some experts have concluded that counseling’s a recession-proof profession. It’s because the COVID pandemic rekindled an average American’s interest in seeking counseling. Surveys indicate that 30% of Americans sought mental health therapy during the pandemic.
It shows counselors’ growing popularity and reveals how this profession has become evergreen. So, no matter what happens with the global economy, counselors won’t have problems finding work after getting their degrees.
5. Variety of clients
Counseling allows you to meet people from all walks of life. You can interact with different kinds of patients in this career and expand your horizon by treating them. Moreover, you can work in different settings.
Not every counseling professional serves in hospital settings. You can easily join a school and help kids resolve their conflicts. But some counselors prefer to become independent, so they start private practices.
6. Personal growth
Treating patients can help you become a better human being. Psychologists must grow empathy and patience to become effective counselors. These soft skills also become permanent personality traits, helping you develop yourself.
That’s why this profession influences counselors to become nicer human beings, even in private affairs. You learn to tolerate your patients, listen to a person without judgment, communicate with folks effectively, and make yourself more likable.
7. Make some difference
Several studies suggest that therapy can reduce the risk of self-harm significantly. It means that folks getting mental health treatment properly can abandon the thoughts of harming themselves. Getting a counseling degree enables you to protect people from self-abuse.
Give people the support, guidance, and treatment they need to protect themselves from self-harm. And not just self-harm; with your help, someone can get on the path to leading a better life.
8. Higher job satisfaction
You can observe that certain healthcare practitioners, such as RNs a relatively higher job satisfaction level. It’s probably because counseling helps people overcome their difficulties and enables them to improve their perspective on life.
You empower patients to become active citizens and help connect people with their families. In addition, your services may save a student’s academic future or help an addict find the path to recovery. So, counselors can be satisfied by learning that they have helped someone.
9. Protect your health
Your knowledge doesn’t merely benefit others but also helps you stay mentally healthy. Remember that a counselor’s well-being can easily be jeopardized when self-care is ignored. So, use your know-how to take care of yourself to avoid events such as burnout and depression.
Leverage the stuff you learned in school to promote your health and maintain your well-being during the pandemic. Pursuing counseling as a career choice helps you retain your mental agility while practicing.
10. Get increased autonomy
Counselors can’t prescribe drugs in most US states. But five states allow them to recommend drugs to their patients, i.e., Iowa, Idaho, Illinois, Louisiana, and New Mexico. But psychologists have several other forms of freedom coveted by many healthcare practitioners.
For example, running your private practice means you have more autonomy than full-time counselors. Become your boss, work independently, and turn into an entrepreneur. Thus, you can benefit yourself by picking counseling as your career.
You can summarize the benefits of becoming a counselor here to understand better why an individual should pursue this interesting career. Counseling has become an in-demand career pathway in the 21st century, and some experts even consider it recession-proof.
A lack of counseling professionals in the country justifies the popularity of this unique career choice. It allows you to treat patients suffering from various mental health problems and make some difference in the world.
Now, attain your master’s degree online and join a career with above-average job satisfaction. You can enjoy a hefty salary package while gaining experience in this unique field.