
Viena chapter and verse

Travelling makes people balance what they want and what they can afford. Usually, it ends up with unsatisfied people sad about what they missed during their travel. But free tours largely solve this issue. So using the opportunities of a free tour Viena can open up before your eyes even more bright and awesome than before. 

schonbrunn palace

Why free?

All the concept of the free tours that stands on is based on the voluntary-provided services of tour guides. The main advantages for the tourists are: 

  • the platform collects all the free tours available and gives the essential information about them;
  • in the list of affordable tours, you can also find the low-cost ones;
  • it’s the tourist who determines how much he will pay for the tour and why.

The payment is not obligatory and has the nature of tips. It makes the guides work well, providing the tourists with the best service for the fee they think is fair. The motivation to prepare the best tours is also supported by the freedom of actions of the guide himself – people working like this can use the maximum of possibilities of the freelance worker. 

The idea of giving free tours is not as usual as giving paid tours, but it gains more and more popularity. The main reason is that the guides and the tourists are often young and enthusiastic and want to support fresh ideas for experience sharing.

The best Viena tour

One of the most popular tours through Viena is a two-hour walking tour, including a review of all the city essentials. You will discuss the history and the best architectural pieces and communicate with locals for better immersion in the city atmosphere. The tour is held in English, German, and Spanish. You have a chance to book the activity every day, twice a day – in the morning and closer to the evening. 

You can find proof of the fact that this is the best tour through Viena: 

  • it has a 2021 award for the second-best free tour in Europe; 
  • the rating is set according to the multiple users’ reviews, and it indicates that the reaction to the tour is so good that the Freetour platform has marked it as a best seller. 

For people who want to get this tour, the organizers have noted that it’s better to book it in advance, particularly when you travel during the high season. Pay attention that the cancellation fee works: if you did not cancel your reservation three days before the tour day and did not come, you have to pay a fee amounting to €2.

To sum up, it needs to be mentioned that there are many things you should consider before choosing a tour through the city you are currently visiting. But the platform relieves you at least from the question of an obligatory payment for something you are not sure about. So use the chance to spend your time with pleasure and pay fairly.

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