
9 Tips on How To Cope With Retirement Depression

For most people, it’s a dream to retire one day. Retirement life can bring on some great perks including a more flexible schedule and less stress. However, some retirees, particularly newer ones, go through a period of adjustment during their golden years. When you go from working nearly every day, several hours a day, to none at all, it can be quite the shock.

Here are some tips to help you get out of that newly-retired funk.

1. Try a New Hobby

It’s never impossible to find a new hobby. There are millions of hobbies you can acquire, some you may not even know about. From hiking, to gardening, to creating sand art, there are endless interests and pastime activities out there.

2. Get Involved in the Community

When some people think of retirement, they may imagine staying at home more. However, regardless of one’s age, it’s never healthy to stay home too much. Get rid of that cabin fever. Go out every now and then. Attend local events, or take the time to give back to your fellow community.

3. Find Friends Who are Also Retired

We all deserve to have people in our lives that are in the same or similar phase of their lives as we are. These are the people who we may connect with the most during these times.

4. Create a Routine

Even if you no longer have a 9 to 5 to report to, a routine is still healthy. Going to bed and waking up at a similar time, eating meals around the same times each day, and so on is important for our productivity, health, and general life organization.

5. Consider Moving into a Retirement Community

Sometimes what you need to fully feel comfortable in retirement is to always be around people who are also in retirement. Retirement living in Arizona is one way to fulfill the latter. These communities offer exactly what the average tired folk want and need.

6. Set Goals

The goal-setting doesn’t stop just because you no longer work. Life is always about making plans and doing better.

7. Travel

With more time on your hands, you bet that this is the best time to travel. You can completely unwind without worries of getting rude calls from your 9 to 5 while vacationing.

8. Speak with a Counselor

Sometimes getting through a transition requires more than making changes on our end. In some cases, we may need the help of a professional. If your retirement depression is severe or is lasting longer than expected, seeking a counselor or other professional might be the best route to getting the proper assistance you need.

9. Get Closer to Family

Home is wherever family is. Family has a way to make us feel together, loved, and whole. Your retirement years won’t feel so dreary when you have family by your side.


Retirement can be a great time to redefine yourself. It can also be a time where you struggle to accept this new chapter in your life or are unsure what to do during this time. The good news is, there are ways you can get comfortable during your retirement years and come to love them in a matter of time.

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