5 Real Fears Of New Working Moms & What To Do About Them
Every working mom has fears. Some of these fears are warranted and some are not. But all of these fears can hold you back from being the best working mom you can be. So, let’s take a look at 5 real fears of new working moms and what you can do to overcome them.

1. Fear of not being able to do it all:
This is a common fear among working moms. You feel like you have to do everything perfectly and that anything less than that is a failure. You feel like you have to do everything perfectly. And it’s exhausting always trying to meet that standard.
You’re worried that if you make a mistake, everyone will think less of you. The truth is, you can’t do it all and that’s okay. Give yourself grace and know that it’s okay to ask for help.
2. Fear of being judged by others:
You’re afraid that people will judge you for working outside the home or for not being a stay-at-home mom. The truth is, there is no right or wrong way to be a mom. What works for one mom might not work for another.
We’re all just figuring it out as we go, and doing the best we can to care for our family. Do what works for you and your family and don’t worry about what others think.
3. Fear of not having enough time for everything:
You feel like you’re constantly running behind and that there are just not enough hours in the day. While it’s true that you won’t be able to do everything, try to focus on the things that are most important to you and let go of the rest. Also, don’t be afraid to ask for help from family and friends.
4. Fear of not being able to afford quality child care:
This is a valid fear, and there is no doubt that child care is expensive. However, there are ways to overcome it.
Research different child care options in your area and see if there are any government assistance programs that can help offset the cost. You may also want to consider asking family or friends if they would be willing to watch your child while you work.
If you have multiple children, you could consider the option to hire an Au Pair to look after them. This is a cost-effective childcare option as au pair costs are based on a whole family rather than individual children. Payment plans and discounts are also available which make Au Pair an affordable solution for host families.
In-home daycares and nanny shares can be affordable options, too. In the end, you need to make sure you’re comfortable with the care your child is receiving without breaking the bank.
5. The fear of not being good at your job:
It’s normal to feel a little anxious about returning to work after having a baby. After all, you’re used to being at home with your little one and may feel like you’re not cut out for the corporate world anymore. However, there are some things you can do to ease your fears and help you transition back into the workforce.
First, remember that it’s okay to ask for help. If you’re struggling to balance work and motherhood, reach out to your family and friends for support. Secondly, try to be flexible with your schedule. If possible, see if you can adjust your hours so that you have more time at home with your child. Lastly, don’t be afraid to lean on your co-workers.
They likely understand what you’re going through and can offer valuable advice. By following these tips, you’ll be on your way to overcoming the fear of not being good enough as a new mom returning to work.
All working moms have fears but don’t let those fears hold you back from being the best working mom you can be!
Armed with the right information and a supportive community, you can overcome your fears and thrive in your career. Remember, you’re doing this for yourself and your family so focus on what’s important to you and let go of the rest!
If you need help navigating your return to work, check out Hire This Mom. We are here to help working mothers have successful careers and maintain their work-life balance. Thank you for reading our blog post on the five fears every working mom has. We hope you found it helpful!