3 Valuable Tips for Selling Used Books Quickly and Easily
Did you know traditional print books are still more popular than audiobooks?
The charm of printed books has persisted, even as our world has become more digitally-driven. Along with new releases, there’s also a massive market for used and rare books.
But how easy is it to sell your used books? And do you need a background in book appraisals to get a good deal?
We’re here to fill you in! Keep reading below to learn three of the most valuable tips for selling used books.

Be as Descriptive as Possible
The best way to get a good deal on your used books is to be as descriptive and honest about your books’ quality as possible.
It’s wise to read up on the different labels that book dealers use for classifying book condition. You may label a book “good” and only later learn that it’s “very good” or “near fine,” both of which would score you a higher price.
If you’re handling extremely old books, you may want to also brush up on some terms to describe rare and old books. This can help book dealers appropriately appraise the books, especially if they can’t see the books in person.
Include as many details on titles, print dates, the ISBN, and markings within the books. For example, many book dealers, such as the one found here, will ask for a detailed description of any estate book collections or personal books you might want to sell.
Determine Your Goal When Selling Used Books
Before you can sell your used books, you have to determine what your goal is. Do you care more about getting the ultimate best price for the books? Or are you simply looking to get rid of the space and wouldn’t mind making a few bucks in the process?
Deciding on an objective will help you evaluate your next step. For instance, you can quickly sell your personal book collection at a secondhand book store, but you might not get the best price.
Selling used books to dealers who specialize in appraising books will likely get you a higher price. While many of them operate online, you can easily send photos and details of your books. Many will pay you within 1-3 days of receiving your book shipment.
Ultimately, a local book dealer or consignment shop is ideal if you want to get rid of the books and free up space. If you’re searching for a higher price on your books, it’s best to search for a more experienced dealer online.
Ship Carefully
The last thing you want is for your books to be damaged during the shipping process. When packing your used books to ship to an online dealer, you’ll want to go the extra mile to make sure they arrive safely.
If you’re shipping multiple books, wrap each individual book in plastic before stacking them to prevent water damage. Ship the books in a snug box. If you don’t have a small enough box, be sure to pad the box with newspaper or padding to avoid the books shuffling around during transit.
Most dealers and appraisers will pay for shipping. Be wary of any dealers that expect you to pick up the shipping costs. Remember, the safer your books arrive, the better price you can expect.
Making the Deal
Unless you’re an expert appraiser, it can be difficult to sell used books on your own. Luckily, you can still manage to do it quickly and easily with a little effort. The guide above should help you the next time you’re clearing out the attic and selling used books!
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