
Top 6 Travel Tips for Senior Safety and Comfort

Today’s seniors are doing more than ever before, and with the right precautions they can travel safely and have a great time wherever their travels take them. Minimize stress and worry, and ensure everyone has a fantastic time by following a few simple travel safety tips. The result might just be the trip of a lifetime. 

1. Make Sure to Pack Daily Medications and Any Medical Supplies

Whether it’s a blood pressure medication or a glucose monitor to measure blood sugar, having the necessary medications and any medical equipment packed and ready is critical to help older adults stay safe and healthy while traveling.

Double-check that all daily medication and supplements are packed and that there is an adequate supply for the duration of the trip. Look at the storage requirements and plan ahead to make sure they will maintain the correct temperature, stay dry, or otherwise stay safe and intact. The same goes for any medical equipment or supplies. 

It’s also a good idea to have the name and dosage of medications, as as well the primary care doctor’s name and phone number, stored in a safe place in case medicine gets lost or the trip goes longer than planned and a refill is required. 

2. Keep a First-Aid Kit and Emergency Supplies on Hand

Health and safety are important for everyone, but medical emergencies and illness can be especially challenging when it comes to older adults. This is especially true for those that may have underlying health conditions or weakened immune systems.

Keep first-aid supplies for small wounds and sudden illnesses on hand. It’s also a good idea to check in advance that none of the over-the-counter medications in the first-aid kit (like antacids or ibuprofen) will cause an interaction with a senior’s daily medications.   

3. Consider the Mobility Levels of Older Adults When Traveling 

Whether it’s airline travel or a road trip, keeping the mobility levels and any limitations in mind is another important safety precaution when seniors travel. If there are far distances to travel through in a busy airport, for example, the senior may need a trolley, tram, or even a wheelchair depending on their specific needs.

For road trips, consider frequent stops to minimize stiff joints and allow for bio breaks. Try to walk in less congested areas on safe, even terrain to avoid slips or falls. 

Also ensure that the hotels have the appropriate accommodations, such as elevators, accessible rooms, and so on to keep the aging person safe. 

4. Communicate Frequently and Monitor a Senior’s Condition While Traveling

Unforeseen health issues and accidents can happen in a moment, so it’s critical to keep in communication with older adults when traveling.

Check in to see if their temperature is feeling normal, if they are comfortable, if they need to eat or need hydration, or if they are having any unusual symptoms like extreme fatigue, nausea, joint pain, or any other signs that could indicate something is wrong.

Aging adults deserve to have the right care and consideration to ensure nothing goes awry when traveling. While taking precautions and following travel safety tips is the best safeguard, if an injury or incident occurs, there are times when contacting Nursing Home Law Center can help. 

5. Hydration and Handwashing Can Go a Long Way 

Water seems like such as simple thing, but when it comes to older adults and travel, the impact of having adequate hydration and good handwashing (or using hand sanitizer when handwashing isn’t possible) is paramount.

Dehydration can cause a myriad of problems in aging persons, and lack of good handwashing can likewise contribute to a high level of risk due to germ and infectious disease exposure.  Bonus – drinking enough water and good handwashing practices will help everyone stay safe and healthy while traveling

6. Keep Safety in Mind During Stops and Excusions

Keeping safety in mind when stopping during a trip or during an outing is another important travel tip for older adults. Limit outdoor excursions or stops when temperatures are extreme, look for safe and secure walking areas, and make sure medications are still given at the scheduled times.

Look for places to sit and rest along the way during outings to avoid fatigue, and opt for less crowded locations to help avoid exposure to germs. If special access is required due to wheelchairs or other mobility issues, ensure in advance that these can be accommodated during the outing. 

Older Adults Can Enjoy Travel Safely With a Few Tips

Taking a trip can be fun at any age, and there’s no reason older adults can’t have wonderful traveling experiences. By following a few simple precautions and being proactive, seniors can travel with confidence.

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