Travel Talk

This and That in Chiang Mai


Wow, I just had my first ever “blogslump” or “writers block” or “I don’t feel like writing anything” funk, do believe it’s gone. That said, could have to do with the fact I went out for a “simple dinner” which turned into meeting up with those German ladies again and getting home when it was getting light.

Met up with that gent from Singapore, he was in touch with the Germans blah blah another egregious evening. Crazy how you can really let loose here and wake up, check your wallet and smile instead of whatever that feeling was in Europe. Hit up a nice vegetarian restaurant. One thing Thailand definitely has going is the food, it’s out of this world. Night ended with the ladies yelling at each other in German as one of them wanted to stay and other wanted to leave, wish I spoke German.

Thinking that going home once a year minimum would be good. Had I still been somewhere new it’s easy not to think about home but when you’re not traveling and just hanging out on the the other side of the world where you basically know no one, kinda makes you think “What am I doing here!?”

The only English TV we get is Fox aka depression station “murder, terrorism, politics” wow, BORING and lame. Also get “the crime channel” eh, no thanks I don’t need to hear about a girl who was murdered then the autopsy shows she was burned alive and the “case to find the killer” who likes that stuff? That and of course Fashion TV which just makes you wonder why you’re in Thailand and not in some vibrant European city with ladies that look like that and who are more often than not, eccentric to the core.

Thanks giving is coming up, favorite holiday, EVER. All the food, all the family none of the BS consumerism and no pressure to go to church. I need to start getting more productive, for some reason I find myself doing not much but eating cheap food and being lazier than a serial welfare bum. When is someone going to invent a teleportation device? That would make things so much easier. Skype is cool but not QUITE the same.

Anyways, took some photos while I was out, I love / hate my new camera. It’s good but it’s too big like I need to carry a bag for it which looks like a homofied man purse and I don’t like it, one bit. Supposedly some girls like the look, never ones I’ve liked the look of though. What next? Get dreads, flip flops and a pair of thai fisherman pants in bright orange!? I could NOT bring the case but I’ve broken too many cameras. Below is my current camera.

Saw some elephants, supposedly they are mistreated so don’t feed em. Try and take photos they freak on ya as it is a banned form of begging. Obviously I got some but won’t post ones with their faces as well, I don’t know their story I am not one to rain on someone else’s parade.

Explored the travel blogosphere today. Wow, there is like 1000000000 blogs on travel these days. Definitely an exploding niche to say the least. Not sure why so many people write tips on a blog that is about a trip that will start in a year from now… I thought you needed to make your way through the forest before you’d give directions to others?? Maybe I’m just old school…?

Update on golf coming up after this. Paid $3.33US for a round, wow?

Tips hat,

P.S: Happy Birthday to the most special woman on this planet, you know who you are and I know you read this. Hope your day was everything it should be AND MORE! Wish I could have been around…

P.P.S: I dislike this update.

Search!?:  “Why so serious when life is so interesting?” – Search.

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