Daily Life Travel Talk

The Ultimate Survival Kit For Dealing With Flight Delays And Cancellations

We’ve all been there: eager to reach our destination, only to find out that our flight has been delayed or, even worse, canceled. It’s a feeling of frustration, anxiety, and uncertainty. But, with a bit of preparation and the right tools at your disposal, these travel mishaps can become much more manageable. Whether you’re a frequent flier or an occasional traveler, having a survival kit for flight delays and cancellations is crucial. 

Below, we’ve compiled the ultimate list of essentials to ensure that the next time your flight gets delayed or canceled, you’re not only prepared but possibly even relaxed and entertained!

1. Know Your Rights And Responsibilities

Before anything else, it’s essential to be informed. Different airlines and countries have specific policies in place when it comes to compensations and accommodations during a flight delay or cancellation. 

One of the most recommended online platforms to know about your rights is Flightright. They provide a comprehensive guide on what you’re entitled to depending on the nature and reason for your flight’s disruption. With this information on hand, you can confidently approach airline staff and ask for what’s rightfully yours.

2. Pack Essential Electronics And Chargers

Your smartphone is arguably your most important tool during a delay. It helps you rebook flights, research alternatives, or even entertain yourself. Don’t forget to pack a charger or a portable battery pack to ensure you’re never left with a dead phone. 

Consider also packing a tablet or e-reader for longer delays, so you can watch movies or read without draining your phone’s battery.

3. Snack Attack

While many airports offer a range of dining options, it’s always a good idea to have some snacks on hand. Pack non-perishable items like nuts, protein bars, or dried fruits. They won’t take up much space in your bag, but they can be a lifesaver if you’re stranded for hours without a meal voucher.

4. Hydration Station

It’s easy to get dehydrated during travel. Always have a reusable water bottle with you. Not only is it environmentally friendly, but you can also refill it at any water station post-security. Staying hydrated can help combat fatigue and ensure you’re feeling your best despite the inconvenience.

5. Comfort Essentials

Delays can be long and tiresome. Packing items like a neck pillow, eye mask, and earplugs can make waiting more comfortable. For those prone to cold, a compact blanket or large scarf can be a great addition.

6. Offline Entertainment

While we live in a digital age, there’s no guarantee of a steady internet connection at every airport. Before traveling, download your favorite podcasts, e-books, or movies. Having a deck of cards or a travel-sized board game can also come in handy, especially if you’re traveling with company.

7. Personal Care Kit

Being stuck in an airport can make anyone feel less than fresh. In your carry-on, include items like wet wipes, deodorant, a toothbrush, toothpaste, and face wash. A quick refresh can make a world of difference in how you feel.

8. Medications And Health Essentials

If you’re on medication, always keep it in your carry-on. But beyond prescription meds, consider a mini first-aid kit with pain relievers, band-aids, and any other personal health essentials.

9. Pen And Notepad

This might seem old-fashioned, but having a pen and notepad is essential. You might need to jot down new flight details, names of helpful airline staff, or even draft a quick complaint or compliment letter. Plus, doodling can be a therapeutic way to pass time.

10. A Positive Attitude

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, pack a positive attitude. Delays and cancellations are often out of your control. Getting stressed or angry won’t speed up your journey. Take a deep breath, remember your survival kit, and know that eventually, you’ll get to your destination.


Flight delays and cancellations are an unfortunate reality of air travel. But with the right survival kit, they don’t have to be a nightmare. By preparing in advance and packing wisely, you can turn a frustrating situation into a more bearable, and maybe even enjoyable, experience. Safe travels, and may your delays be few and far between!

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