The Science of Flirting: What Flirting Signals Are You Sending?
Never question a crush again. Dating is hard enough without having to worry whether someone likes you or not, or if you’re giving off the right vibes so they know you like them. Flirting signals don’t have to feel like rocket science.
These tips will clue you into if someone is interested in you, and how you can better show your interest in them. Don’t waste another minute debating with flower petals if they love you or love you not.

All in the Eyes
Trying to tell if someone is flirting or not can be a dangerous game, so it’s important t look for multiple cues, and don’t act on an assumption. Men tend to assume women are flirting more often than they are, so when you’re reading these signals, play it cool. Someone may be making more direct eye contact because they’re flirting, or they do that with everyone.
Eye contact is big in the subtle flirting game though. Watch someone’s eyes when they’re with you. Do they look at you and then look away and around the room? This could be one of the signs they like you.
Studies have shown that prolonged eye contact can be very intimate and initiate feelings of connection and romance. So don’t be afraid to make some eye contact when interacting with your crush and give them more to go on.
The Most Physical Language
Your body language is one of the most telling things about you. It can hint at not wanting someone in a conversation, your mood, and a way to interpret mixed signals. Do they go out of their way to make contact with you, whether it’s a hand on the back, arm, or shoulder when they don’t need to?
When they talk to you, is their body language more open, including down to their feet? People also often mirror others when they are engaged in good conversation and generally like the other person. Look to see if they’re in the same position you are and if they match yours when you move.
Some of these signs are great indicators of subtle flirting. But mirroring is one that can happen among good friends as well, so look for more than one indication before confessing your love.
Verbal Cues
While most attraction is suggested subliminally through body language, etc, there is a percentage of flirting that occurs verbally. Someone might tease you more and try to joke around with you as a sign of closeness and to test if you will respond similarly.
Verbal cues can test the water before being outright. They may go out of their way for you to help or ask about you and your life. And of course, if they compliment you in ways a regular friend would not, it’s a good way to interpret mixed signals as positive signals.
All Games, No Love
The best advice when trying to tell if someone is flirting is to not be overly coy and play games. If you like someone and are working on how to flirt, you don’t have to try and match everything they do. You can be upfront and tell someone how you feel.
Trying to play hard to get can backfire, and if you don’t want someone to lose interest, reel them in. Vocalizing your feelings might be scary but it is the best and fastest way to find out if they feel the same.
Firing Flirting Signals
Not all flirting signals look alike, but they should build into a case for whether someone likes you or not. If you’re getting multiple of these signs from someone, there’s a good chance they’re interested and haven’t found the right way to tell you. Or they aren’t sure you like them back.
If you have mutual feelings, don’t beat around the bush with love. It can be rare to find, so don’t be too subtle. And if this helped you read some of those challenging signals, keep reading more good tips.